The top reason for our frustrations is that we view things from only one perspective. We fail to see the positive outcomes it can have. One of the biggest medicinal breakthroughs in history came about entirely by accident. Sir Alexander Fleming was experimenting with the influenza virus for a two-week holiday. When he returned, he found that a mold had started to grow which deterred the virus. Instead of an influenza cure, Penicillin was born which was used to treat diseases from acne to pneumonia. If he insisted that he only wants a cure for influenza, he would not have accepted this accidental outcome. So, in this video, I share another meaning to give to start feeling better when you are facing frustrating experiences.

Here is the complete set of all the parts on emotional resilience. Each covers a different reason of why bad things happen and how to overcome them:

Part 1: General framework of how to develop emotional balance during an upsetting situation.

Part 2: The relation between the laws of attraction and toxic people entering your life.

Part 3: Why do other people treat us badly and how to understand them.

Part 4: How to correct our own perceptions about negative events.

Part 5: Another reason why you may experience the worst kind of situation.

Part 6: How to look at a situation when your plans don’t work out.

Part 7: Hero origin stories from difficult life circumstances.

Part 8: How to be calm in the face of rejection

Part 9: How to be resilient in the face of failure

Part 10: Upcoming

Part 11: Upcoming

Part 12: Upcoming

Part 13: Upcoming

Part 14: Upcoming

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Channeled message from the Arcturian Council

In this session, I vocally channeled the Arcturian council to answer questions posted below. The Arcturians are 9th-dimensional beings from the star system of Arcturus. I enter a trance state and the messages from them come through my voice.

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Prepare for open contact with Extraterrestrials – Arcturian Council (trailor)

-In this transmission, we (Arcturian Council) are going to talk about various ways you can prepare for open contact. What is an ‘open contact’? An ‘open contact’ means meeting somebody physically face to face. And when we say open contact with us, we don’t mean only us. We also mean other extraterrestrial species, Hybrid children, and other beings.

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Join our Facebook group to post your questions (they will be asked in the group transmissions):

Questions asked:

– Are there any other ways we can work on this fear of aliens that we all carry here? Any other tips that we could do?

– I can sometimes see elementals, like little beings or fairies. Does that mean that when I’m able to do that, am I in the fourth density or did they show themselves to me?

– Some people having sort of decided to have open contact fairly soon, is this a theme or decision that is made at higher Level higher self level or soul level?

– So I kind of had a first meeting with the Yahyel family about a year and a half, two years ago, um, where I sort of saw initially one being in a sort of semi-translucent state. is that indicative of, as far as the Yahyel as a species are concerned, me being sort of close enough to be able to have contact with them when the time’s right.

– I am feeling static electricity-like sensations around my body when I wake up. What is happening?

– Can we focus on our heart chakra using a technique like breathing or visualization or simply just putting our hand on our heart chakra…Will that match to your frequency or do I still need to do the trauma clearing coaching techniques?
how important is sort of diet in relation to raising our vibration?

– Will contact really come individually, and ultimately spread to what we would call governments at this time?

– The spaceships, as my understanding is the higher dimension civilizations, can materialize themselves, made visible. So they don’t really necessarily need a spaceship to be here in this dimension, is that correct? So is the craft materialized for our own purpose?

– The family members that have passed recently, will they be affected by the open contact as well?

– Could you tell me how much Psilocybin can help humans to raise their frequency, or our frequency?

– Am I speaking to the consciousness of the psilocybin, you know, the mushrooms itself?

– So I have, I had one experience where I, uh, was, you know, exploring with the magic mushrooms and I was about to go to sleep and I was meditating my bed once. And as I closed my eyes, they were next to me, and they took me to this travel in the mycelium network under the earth. What was that?

– I had a dream about being on a spaceship with my 9 year old daughter. I felt fear but my daughter was singing and whistling. Would you say that that was extraterrestrial beings testing my frequency or something like that?

– I had an experience of beings levitating me out of my body just when I was about to fall asleep and spinning me in the air. What was happening?

– One other question, um, as our society evolves, kind of into open contact and beyond, do you foresee that what we would now see as our prison services across the world will really morph and change into correctional facilities?

– I’m assuming that when we raise our vibration, there will be no more secret keeping here and the earth?

– how should we be preparing for the arrival of extra-terrestrials in the next 5 years?

– Is Elon Musk working with the Orion and annunaki regarding the cerebral chip?

– There is talk of a silicon body and a crystalline body. What is that about?

– How is barefoot walking most spiritually and physically effective? Do we have to walk to absorb a lot of vital elements? How about just keeping our bare feet on the ground in nature or doing the 7171 breathing method to absorb more vital elements?

– What are the benefits to me of walking barefoot in a city riverside park? How is barefoot walking most spiritually and physically effective?

– Can you share more ways of raising our frequency?

– I would be interested in hearing more about why the feeling of unworthiness is so deeply ingrained in humans. Is it because we need it to overcome in order to grow? Or for other reasons?

– You mentioned the hybrid children being silicon-based will have different powers, and different aspects. Will we get those when we move our frequency to the fourth and fifth dimensions?

– Will the Arcturians come in a later time on Earth?

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find your archetypes

Find Your Archetypes Using ChatGPT

The first part of the video contains the prompts to find your archetypes using ChatGPT. Enjoy getting to know your life’s theme! The second half contains channeled information on Archetypes from Yeshua.

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