Moumita Paul

Our Mission

Heal Your Mind, Body & Soul

Hi, I’m Moumita Paul! I believe that you can change the world when you embrace inner peace, self-awareness, and compassion toward others.”

Connect with your higher self & ascend spiritually

Release negative emotions & beliefs to heal your mind & body

Align with your values and purpose

Change your life via our evidence-based techniques


Moumita Paul

Founder & Coach

Holistic Healing

When the negative emotions are released, the body thrives, and your soul's purpose surfaces. Learn timeless strategies to find balance in every aspect of YOUR life.

Metaphysical Miracles

Develop unprecedented connection with your soul and trust in yourself using our advance metaphysical concepts like parallel lives & manifestations.

Happier Life

Countless testimonials from our clients say how their life's trajectory has changed after realising who they are and what they are meant to do in this lifetime.

About Me

Hello, I am the Founder of ‘A Better Living’. I am a Coach, and Vocal Channeler. I graduated in computer engineering in 2007 and did MBA from the top B-School in India – the Indian School of Business (ISB).

I am a 3X founder and have had launched two starts-ups in the past. One was about online, B2C E-Cheques System, in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur. In the second start-up, I developed and sold 10000+ video games worldwide.

As I yearned for newer challenges, so, I moved on to the corporate world and worked for over 14 years in fast-paced and high-pressure, senior product management roles in companies like Amazon, and Walt Disney.

But guess, what? I got burned out and went into depression. Read on about my journey below.

Moumita Paul

My Story

Why I started ABL

My bad health

While my corporate career success sky-rocketed, I felt empty and sunk into depression for the 3rd time. My immune system was hampered by stress and I could not sleep. I was desperately stuck in a cycle of overeating and gained 14 KGs. I was irritable at work and started falling sick frequently.

I tried countless therapies and realised therapy alone wouldn’t address the underlying cause of my problems, because my depression was recurring.

Something had to change.

So, I started searching for deeper meaning in life as nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

Through extensive research, trainings, courses, etc, I discovered how to release my past traumas, let go of long-held resentment, and develop effective coping strategies to manage anger, frustration, anxiety, and stress in day-to-day life.

In a few months, I recovered from depression and burnout completely. But I also realized that I have only scratched the surface and there is deeper, inner work to do.

I discovered my life purpose (to remind others who they are) and released my limiting beliefs to regain my physical & mental health.

I love pursuing my highest excitement now by coaching others to awaken their full potential. While still healing, and working on myself regularly & expanding my self-awareness about who I am. And I also love channeling higher beings to share divine wisdom with others. 

Read my full story here.

A Better Living Story

Unlock your full potential

What makes ABL unique

In 2021 I started A Better Living. During my research, I came across valuable works of scientists and experts on how thoughts and emotions affect our body.

I built my coaching methodologies from the proven methods of microbiologists, psychologists, and therapists, like Guy Winch, Bruce Lipton, Candace Pert, Dr. David Burns, Dr James Matt, Karl Dawson, Gay Hendricks, and The HeartMath Institute.

The human body houses the subconscious mind, unlike what we had previously known the brain to do. And 95% of our behaviors stem from our subconscious mind, not the conscious mind. A majority of our behaviors are controlled by our perceptions. These perceptions are shaped by our beliefs and past traumas. The traumas are fragmented consciousness that is stored in the body.

When we release these traumas, we not only change our beliefs (perceptions) but also release negative emotions and experience behavior changes. We make different choices and decisions which we didn’t dare to make earlier. Releasing traumas also eliminates other psychological factors that were creating illnesses in our body. You experience a holistic change in every aspect of your life.

In other words, once you heal the negative beliefs, thoughts, and emotions from the body (not just the brain), your health, happiness, and life would improve by 90%. My approach combines psychological, somatic, and metaphysical concepts, and is 100% evidence-based, measurable, and life-transforming. Check out some of my tools, techniques, and methodologies below.


I am a clairaudient and claircognizant. I practice energy healing modalities like Pranic healing. I also developed a unique ‘Self Healing Blueprint’ that heals illnesses using self-love & incorporates ‘parts work’.

And I continue to explore numerous ways to create a more integrative, natural approach to body healing that is safe, has no side effects, and produces permanent results.


I have channeled 18 beings like Archangel Michael & Lucifer, Yeshua, The Dragons, Mary Magdalene, Hod (God of Technology), Green Tara, the Arcturian Council, Annunakis, etc on unique, spectacular topics like –

This enriches others who not only attend my channeling sessions but also listeners looking for higher spiritual learning. Have a look into my youtube channel to explore the metaphysical topics I have channeled so far. Or Check out my vocal channeling page to book a private channeling session.

Powerful Tools To Overcome Burnout & Stress

Click on the buttons below to check out the comprehensive list of the tools I use in my 1:1 coaching sessions and what do they do

Coaching is all about asking powerful questions to uncover your hidden motivations, how you are creating your own roadblocks and how to remove them. Coaching is very transformative because it gives you your power back. When you know where you are stuck, you can get unstuck and create the dream life that you want.

We help clients discover their purpose by asking powerful coaching questions that help client recall their past experiences to remind them that good values/skills/abilities that they have forgotten because of fear and negative experiences.

Connecting with one’s own heart chakra to get answers to important questions. It helps build trust in self. This tool is excellent for people who can’t make their own decisions and always seek external validation.

The somatic method of checking in with the body to find the root cause of a physical pain/discomfort or emotional pain. This builds body awareness because our emotions & trauma are stored in our body. This also permanently heals the physical problem.

Cartesian logic is a decision making tool that helps evaluate multiple options to gain perspective about a situation. It’s also useful to resolve internal resistance when the client is conflicted about something. This is a famous NLP technique.

Gratitude exercise that helps one person see positive in a negative situation. An example of this was shared by Eric Edmeades in his famous talk – the hindsight window

Release negative emotions through this 5 minute method. Ask your unconscious mind how can you let go of negative emotions about something. And you will experience huge emotional releases.

Giving and seeking Forgiveness to release long pent-up emotions, resentment, grudges, hurt and anger. This is super easy because the client doesn’t have to talk to the perpetrator in order to forgive. The client asks for forgiveness or gives forgiveness from the higher soul of the perpetrator.

Effective communication framework was created by psychologist Dr David Burns to disarm conflicts, tension, handling disagreements politely and setting boundaries (saying No nicely) with others. Moumita has created an entire course about it.

This is a great perspective shifting tool that allows you to understand the positive impact of your negative emotions like anger, sadness, etc. Your emotions are chemical messengers that tell you how you are not in alignment with your core values. Another gem by Dr David Burns. Also known as positive reframing of negative emotions.

Named as ‘Forced empathy‘ by Dr David Burns, you get to roleplay as the other person with who you have conflict with, to understand their perspective. This shifts one’s own perspective about the situation drastically and brings closure.

Another tool from Dr David Burns – Truth seeking helps to see what actually contributed to the problem in an objective fashion to gain fresh perspective. This is very effective for people who blame themselves often.

Also known as the paradoxical, double standards technique, here you become your own advisor and find solutions to your own problems. It is also another tool from Dr David Burn’s repository. In this we make the client hear himself/herself and understand where they are making mistakes, repeating patterns or acting like martyrs/victims. This helps them unlock their own inner wisdom instead of depending on others for advice/validation.

This is the single most powerful, NLP tool that Moumita uses in her coaching. It is known as Mental and Emotional Release, developed by Dr James Matt for releasing trauma, negative emotions and limiting belief. This creates permanent behaviour change, removing blocks and developing newer coping strategy

Also known as Parts Integration or Gestalt. This is one of the powerful techniques taught by Teal Swan, and in NLP. This is also referred to as Internal Family Systems. Parts integration is very well explained in this podcast by Moumita. This is for removing procrastination and inner conflicts and resistance.

The Future self imagination exercise – to get advice from the future self for a successful life. This concepts, though feels like a simple meditation, has a profound experience on clients who have used it. It amalgamates the concepts of parallel realities, law of attraction and has changed career trajectories of people who have used it.

NLP anchoring is a technique to program your body to activate positive emotions like happiness, motivation, etc at will, anytime. It is quick and easy to do and successful entrpreneurs and coaches like Tony Robbins and Eric Edmeades often talk about using it before their live events.

Also known as Regression or Trauma Completion or Inner Child Work, this process involves remembering painful or traumatic childhood memories and connect with the wounded inner child. This brings resolution to current problems the client is facing and soothes/heals their inner child. This has been often talked by celebrity therapists like, Marissa Peers. Teal Swan had written an entire of this process called the “The completion process“.

Self love, affirmations, body programming techniques are available for advanced clients to develop kindness towards oneself

Deleting negative emotions using the “whiteboard and duster method”, is a technqiue where a client is able to let go of resentment, hurt, grudges and forgive someone. This is very effective for some clients who are not able to get closure.

Another tool from Dr David Burn’s repository, where we make the client score themselves as worst, best, average on something specific. This is especially useful when a client is doubting themselves and need help in identifying where do they need to improve. Instead of overgeneralising, clients get an objective perspective of themselves. It relieves self doubt and creates a clear strategy to move forward.

More popularly known as Emotional Freedom Technique, you can tap the body’s specific meridian points to release trauma and negative emotions held in those parts of the body. This creates total healing of physical and emotional ailments and beliefs.

Loving things that my clients say...

"Her approach was direct, focused, and provided actionable solutions. I also managed to work through my emotions."

"I realized that I am creating a situation in my head that doesn't exist. She helped me get clarity of thought and find a larger goal.""

"The future self exercise aligned me with who I am. I felt heard, understood and seen. It makes me trust Moumita even more."

Moumita Paul
Why Choose Us

Radiate Positivity & Joy from Within

When you are happy in life, it helps you stay healthy, both physically & emotionally. And that emotional satisfaction balances your personal relationships. This is a profound truth that has eluded many of us. Positive thoughts and emotions lead to good health and prosperity. Take charge of your wellbeing. Let me show you how.

100% Increase in Self Esteem

Release Self doubts, Imposter Syndrome, and Limiting beliefs. Boost trust in self.

86% Reduction in Anxiety & Anger

Release negative emotions in just one coaching session. Master your emotions

60% Improvement in Relationships

Remove relationship stressors. Say 'NO' to unfair demands with compassion.

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