[00:12:37] What is the additional benefit that you’re getting to holding this thought. You have to ask yourself- in what ways can I meet my needs for that secondary gain?
[00:12:48] The next question is – when you are with this negative thought, who are, what made you feel this way?
[00:12:59] The next question is – what will you be able to heal in life? If you are able to heal the negative thought today?
[00:13:10] And the next one is, can you find a reason to drop this? thought I’m not asking you to drop this thought. I’m just asking you, can you find a reason to drop this thought?
[00:13:24] The next question is- can you find a stress free reason to keep that thought? Stress free being the keyword here. The reason, if you want to keep this thought, that reason has to be stress free. Chances are high, your answer will always be a ‘no’ to this question.
[00:13:46] The next question is – who would you be without this negative thought? The answer could be something like- I’ll be completely free. I will not be worried about this. I’ll just go about my life, something along that line. Or whatever your answer is.
[00:14:05] The next question is- Turn around the negative thought. So if the original negative thought was- “oh, I’m such a victim in life, all bad things happen to me”. Turn it around. Reverse it.
[00:14:19] Write the opposite of that thought in a positive way. Example, if your thought is I am unworthy. Then the opposite of that is I’m worthy. Write that. So these are the steps that would help you heal that negative thought.
[00:14:40] Now let’s move on to healing the negative core belief. Healing the negative core belief is much easier because now you know what is your secondary gain.
[00:14:50] What is the additional benefit that you’re getting to holding this thought? You have to ask yourself- in what ways can I meet my needs for that secondary gain?
[00:15:01] So, if my need was to get attention from others, for which I was not letting go of that negative thought, In what ways can I fulfill that need without sticking to that thought?
[00:15:14] The technique that I shared, the set of questions that I shared to heal your negative thought
[00:15:19] I learned from the book- the Metaphysical Anatomy, written by Evette Rose .In her website called mat members.com, she has multiple free videos where she shows how to heal negative thoughts. So this step was a combination of the questions she discusses in a video. Plus the ones I learned from Byron Katie’s book- loving what is. I combined these two because I found that this combination works really well in challenging those existing thoughts and uprooting those negative thoughts. And planting fresh ones or good ones. If you want, you can click on the links shared in the podcast description to know more about these books and these authors.
[00:16:09] Let’s move on to healing the negative core belief. Once you’ve identified the negative core belief, the first thing you have to do is find evidence in your real life that negates that negative thought. Write down the opposite of that negative core belief. If the negative core belief is I don’t have any freedom. Then the opposite of that is- I have freedom. And find evidence in your past experience, events, something somebody said or did for you. Or something that you did, which gives you an idea that you did have freedom. And you were free in the past. If you have difficulty convincing yourself, tell yourself that you have a free will to choose. You always had free will to choose, but you did not make the correct choices. So you still have freedom to make the correct choices. That is just one example of dealing with one kind of negative core belief.
[00:17:20] Your negative core beliefs could also be like- I am alone. So find evidences where you people did help you, where you can tell yourself that I am not alone. But people have helped you in the past. If the negative core belief is- I’m not loved, then find evidence of the opposite of that. where people did love you in the past. Find as many evidences, at least two or more evidences, from your past where the opposite of that negative core belief has happened. Because if you just try to force fully plant a positive belief, to uproot that by saying that I am loved without any evidence, then it is as good as insulting your own intelligence. You yourself will not be able to believe in it. The only way you can conquer your negative core beliefs is planting the positive ones. Why that negative core belief is not true.
[00:18:19] If you can’t find an evidence of a positive experience to support your newly planted positive belief, then keep your eyes open for evidence in future.
[00:18:29] You become a detective to find evidence for the positive core belief. And if you don’t know where to start, ask yourself, what would make me believe this positive core belief? Unless you start truly, honestly, and genuinely believe in it, it’s not going to work. So write the answer down that -what would make me believe in that? And you should start doing those things.
[00:18:55] More and more you reaffirm this in your mind. All the other negative thoughts, which were associated or originating from this negative core belief would just vanish.
[00:19:06] Even when you face the same experience that used to once trigger you. Once used to make you feel upset about it, those things will simply vanish. Those things will not exist anymore. Like, after doing this healing, when you again, come back from home and you see a huge pile of laundry. It will not upset you anymore.
[00:19:30] You’ll be like, oh, laundry. Okay. I’ll do it sometime. And you just go about it. You either fold it. Wash it. Or whatever you were supposed to do it without feeling upset. So the point of doing this exercise is to completely eliminate your reasons of feeling upset.
[00:19:45] It’s not a one-time practice. Every time you feel upset, just do this exercise. I promise you, at some point of time, when you have done this exercise enough number of times, on finding multiple negative core beliefs and healing them- You’ll feel much lighter, better in life because there is nothing weighing you down.
[00:20:08] So to summarize this is what we should be doing. First you become aware of the negative thought and write that negative thought down. Then you ask two questions to that thought. Why is it so bad? And the follow-up question is – what does it mean for me or about me. And whatever answer you have, you keep applying these two questions to that answer until you have hit the negative core belief.
[00:20:41] Now the healing will happen in two parts. The first part is, will heal the negative thought first, before we heal the negative core belief. Because we want to find or remove any secondary gains. To heal the negative thought, you have to ask these questions.
[00:20:55] Where in your body do you feel this negative thought? Where is the stress of this thought felt in your body?
[00:21:02] What in your life will change, that you are not ready to change, if you heal this negative thought today?
[00:21:09] in what ways can I fulfill that need , the secondary gain ,without sticking to that thought?
[00:21:15] When you are with this negative thought, who are, what made you feel this way?
[00:21:20] What will you be able to heal in life? If you are able to heal the negative thought today?
[00:21:25] Can you find a reason to drop this thought? I’m not asking you to drop this thought.
[00:21:30] Can you find a stress free reason to keep that thought?
[00:21:34] Who would you be without this negative thought?
[00:21:36] Write the opposite of that thought in a positive way.
[00:21:40] Once you heal the negative thought, then you move on to healing the negative core belief.
[00:21:45] You write the opposite of the negative core belief. And try to find evidence to reaffirm that new found positive belief. That’s it.
[00:21:58] So do this and let me know how your experience goes, what are your questions, suggestions and comments. I would love to hear more about them. You can drop a comment on my website. I’ve shared the link in my podcast description. Please subscribe to my podcast. Or click on the like and favorite button . And leave me a review.