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Feedback is an important aspect of performance management and a powerful tool for increasing employee engagement.

But Feedback doesn’t mean Criticism. 

Feedback means appreciating when the employees do well and assisting them when they do something in a wrong way. 

Remember that the purpose of giving feedback is to improve the performance of your employees, not to discourage them. You are also not trying to change your employee’s personality.

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higher self

What is Higher self? Channeling Archangel Michael

Here’s the link to the 5 free meditations mentioned in the video: https://shop.abetterliving.co/5-day-daily-meditation-challenge

I decided to do this solo channeling to go into a deeper explanation of some spiritual concepts that have often intrigued me and others. I explain what a higher self is with some simple analogies.

And then I channeled Archangel Michael to explain some gaps and questions I had about the higher self to complete the picture. Unlike my group channeling events which invite many questions from others, these solo channelings are short and give you a short explanation of the spiritual & metaphysical concepts on the go.

Hope you enjoy it! Don’t forget to post your questions in the comments below.

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How to improve a relationship with someone you hate | A Better Living

I disliked a lot of people in my life until I realised that it is not always their nature that annoyed me. But that they triggered some of my negative core beliefs that caused me stress. And out of stress I would react negatively towards them. And the relationship would go downhill from there.

But then I learned to not fall into this trap. In this video, I show a way how you can improve your relationships with people who annoy you.


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