Astrology,Beings,Channeling,Green Tara,Metaphysics,Parallel Reality,Self,Spirituality,Videos

Is destiny fixed or malleable? You can change your future! But from what point onward? And by how much? And exactly how can you change your future? Find the answer to all of this!

I loved channeling Green Tara (female Buddha) to clear some of the doubts & confusion I had about fate & parallel realities. In this video, you will discover:

* Destiny is a Paradox: It’s both predetermined and influenced by free will.

* Destiny as Unfolding Your Theme: You choose a specific theme to experience in life, and your personality is designed to explore that theme.

* Free Will and Destiny: You have free will to make choices, but your personality construct influences your choices.

* Destiny is Fluid: While there are predictable choices in the short term, your destiny can change significantly in the long term through personal growth.

* Destiny is a Result of Your Choices: The choices you make based on your current perspective shape your destiny.

* You Can Change Your Destiny: By making conscious changes to yourself, you can drastically alter your destiny.


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