Archangel Michael,Beings,Channeling,Positive mindset,Spirituality

A client of mine talked about her mental health and the frequent breakdowns she is going through regularly in my channeling session and asked about what are the signs and symptoms of spiritual ascension.

I was channeling Archangel Michael (to be referred to as AA Michael) and here is an excerpt from the conversation. This is posted with her permission without mentioning her name for privacy.

Her: I feel like an imposter. I mean, I’m having a breakdown every other day.  How can I teach or talk about spirituality to others when my mental health is suffering and I have not ‘ascended’?

AA Michael: What makes you think you are not ascending?

Her:  I don’t know what the ascension symptoms are.

AA Michael: The ascension symptoms are mostly bringing out whatever you need to let go first.  So if you have tons of trauma and negative beliefs, it will be brought out in  the forefront.  And you will be triggered very often, very frequently, by pretty much everyone, which is what you’re going through, aren’t you?

Her: Yes. Sometimes, I feel like, I don’t know if it is me feeling hurt and reacting.  Or if it is that person having done it from that place of wanting to hurt me.

AA Michael: Well, it doesn’t matter in which place the person has done. Your representation or understanding of it is what matters because it allows you to see what you need to let go.

You are wanting to avoid all negative feelings because of your past traumas. So continue exploring your mental health with your therapist.

Her: What are the other ascension symptoms?

AA Michael: You would not want to have  any  superficial connections, you would only crave for deeper connection or nothing at all. This is more like a transition phase  until you have reached  the state of total acceptance and total love of yourself.  But it is a process of ascension nevertheless,  where you are preferring quality over quantity.

Her: I was asking more in terms of ascension symptoms in general. 

AA Michael: Self awareness, desire for self love and moving towards self love, self compassion, self acceptance. 

More love towards animals,  greater connection with nature, wanting to be in connect with nature and animals,  taking care of your environment from a place of generosity and pure love for the environment, taking care of animals from the same place, not because somebody asked you to do it, but because you care for it.

And also, living in harmony with everybody. 

Now, living in harmony with everybody doesn’t mean that you have to tolerate things that you do not like. It’s more about moving towards your own tribe, your own community of people with who you are more congruent with. With who you have more harmonious relationship with instead of trying to be in places where you’re not accepted or loved for who you are and trying to prove to them that they should love and value you. 

So pursuing your purpose or your joy, living, living a meaningful life and seeking connection and communion with others In a true, deep, genuine, authentic way is what Ascension is all about. 

Her: Well, I am not connecting with pretty much anybody. I don’t know how to  connect with myself or others anymore.  Because of my desire for authenticity and also fear of judgment, fear of rejection, and things like that. 

AA Michael: The point is to not simply sit at home and do nothing. The point is to actively make and seek connection. Being of service in some way or the other allows to open your heart and to touch lives.  

You can also be of service for free in whichever way one wants to help. So, in whichever way you enjoy giving, you can give.

This will touch many lives that you are touching and will bring you whatever you are giving. You are going to get what you give. 

I would suggest to open your heart more.  Now, while you are focused on mental health, I also want you to be focused on keeping your heart open to the best of your ability, because when the heart is open, then you are going to pursue joy  and things that bring you joy.

And that is what is going to take you to wherever you want to be.

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