Was that alien contact?! 
Those of you who follow Bashar – Channelled by Darryl Anka or other Alien Contact groups will know that whenever you follow a channeler who channels extraterrestrials, it speeds up your probability of open contact (face-to-face meeting) with E.T.s. So far I have channeled E.T.s like the Arcturians (from the constellation of Arcturus), Sirius (Sirius B constellation), Star phoenix (phoenix constellation), Annunakis, Alymus & Blue flower from Orion (Orion constellation), etc…some publicly and some privately. (Check out my YouTube channel)
I have never insisted on accelerating my “open contact” timeline because I believe it depends from person to person. No insistence, no resistance. And whenever I am ready, I will meet them. So guess who said “hello” yesterday?
I saw this (check image) last night on a mountaintop without known human inhabitation. Places with human habitation are filled with scattered lights at night. This one was very far away from human villages, with three lights aligned at a specific angle (difficult on an uneven mountainous terrain).
I have also added a photo of the exact location during the daytime, where I saw the ship. There was nothing in the morning and you could see the desolate mountaintop (where the ship parked at night).
It was steady, the lights were not blinking and I had to stare at it for a long time to figure out what it was. I haven’t seen it there in the last 20 days that I had moved to the mountains. This was the closest I have seen since last year.
Much later at night, it moved to an adjacent mountain on the right ( I have added the photo below but it may be difficult to figure out because it’s dark and also you don’t know how long the mountain ranges are).
Last year I had only seen large blinking lights on the night sky as my contact probabilities sped up. Now yesterday’s one was the closest I have seen and I was pretty surprised they parked it so openly. It has been raining incessantly daily here, with tons of clouds and fog blocking the view every now and then. And I was very lucky to capture this moment during one of those clear sky moments.
I hope it will speed up your contact probabilities too… Of course depends on how you react to it though (excitement, disbelief, or fear?)
For those who are wondering why bother with E.T open contact, here’s a summary of the benefits:
You will get to know TRUE human history, our ancestry, and access to advanced technology from them (like free energy). Plus many more possibilities open up. They have been watching us for a long time.
Also, open contact means you have raised your vibration high enough to not be scared or have a heart attack upon seeing them.
It also means that you can hold your vibration without feeling “getting sucked in” into their energies. You can hold your existence without losing your mind lol!
The photo below is my last year’s luck of seeing moving lights three times, in three different places. I knew it was “them”.
The light moved its location in about an hour, unlike the stars in the sky (not visible in the photo because they were much dimmer). Last year, this shot was taken from my hotel balcony.
Here’s another such experience where I saw them – I saw One from a moving bus at night which I couldn’t capture because it was too fast and didn’t stay for long. That was more targeted and specific in its movement and I could have a telepathic one-way communication with it.
I was doubting what I was seeing and disregarded that as an airplane. That’s when I could sense the ‘light’ could read my mind. It immediately sped up rapidly, went a bit further than the moving bus, and then rapidly came back to its original location (moving at the same speed as the bus). At the same time, I saw an actual airplane move past it lol. As if it was telling me – I was not an airplane. You are seeing me right here
It sped up once again for a second. I turned to get my phone out for a video. When I took it out, it was gone.
Last year I could only see slow-moving large lights like this from very far away. But yesterday that was a good close-up compared to this. The more you read and participate in these discussions, the more your contact timeline gets sped up. Join my Facebook group to increase the group excitement and increasing contact probability ????