Beings,Channeling,Extraterrestrial,The Annunakis,Videos

Summary of the video:

Humans are hybrids: The human species is a result of a hybridization between Homo erectus and an extraterrestrial species.

The Role of Extraterrestrials: Introduces the concept of extraterrestrial beings as benevolent beings seeking connection with humanity.

The importance of hybridization: It’s essential for species evolution and strength.

The current hybridization agenda: This new program involves humans and extraterrestrial beings to create a more advanced species.

The Galactic Federation’s role: They oversee the hybridization program to ensure its ethical and beneficial outcome.

The Importance of Heart-Centered Living: Emphasizes the significance of connecting with your inner self and operating from a place of love and openness.

The importance of personal growth: To prepare for contact with extraterrestrials, you can raise your vibration and let go of negativity.

The Ascension Process: Explains how personal growth and transformation are essential for connecting with higher dimensions and extraterrestrial beings.

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