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If you are feeling low, it will affect the work you do. We don’t often understand how our emotions have a direct impact on our workplace behavior and performance. Demotivation, distraction, lack of focus, and longer time to complete a task are common signs of disengagement because we don’t feel good. Most of us are only caring for our physical health and ignoring our emotional health. 

Look for the signs of emotional unwellness if it persists for longer than a week. 

  • Do small things throughout the day that make you happy, especially before starting your day and ending your day. 
  • Take small breaks in between work and engage in small activities that uplift your mood. It could be like talking to a friend, doodling, or watching funny videos.
  • Remember that your day, if it’s not going well, doesn’t define who you are. Write down the best moments of your life or the compliments you have received in your mobile note app and read those whenever you are feeling low.
  • Think of your dreams and life visions that will make you happy and visualize them often. Visualizing our dreams and desires puts us in a state of happiness. Create a vision board and look at it often.


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How to say ‘No’ to someone ?

Many people hesitate to say no, even when they are overworked, overbooked, or simply too preoccupied to take on any additional responsibilities. You are not alone if you are struggling with this.

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Nomura Lemurians

Mastering the body – Nomura Lemurians channeled message

We are going to show how your thoughts and emotions influence your body, create illnesses and lower your vibration. You cannot have spiritual development if your vibration is lowered. Once you master the body, it is equivalent to mastering the mind and the emotions. Which means both your mind and emotions are in peace and harmony.

Then the messages from the soul and also from other beings become clearer to hear. Because your mental body or mental aura is now not clouded with too many negative thoughts. So that other positive thoughts can manifest.

Take charge of your body and your physical and mental health. It is time to say goodbye to people who are toxic and negative and constantly make you feel bad about yourself. It is time to draw boundaries because we are going to show, how being in constant communion with people who put you down or bring you down or constantly make you feel bad is actually harmful for your health and also your daily work and life.

Your spirituality is not different from personal development. Which again is not very different from your relationship and how you go about in life. Everything is interconnected. So

once you learn how to master your emotions so you can master your thoughts. You can also do it the other way around – Mastering your thoughts so that you can master your emotions. Either way works fine.

We are going to show you many ways how you can stop illnesses from happening or even cure illnesses by simply working on your thoughts and emotions because these illnesses are created by you and they manifest because you are constantly thinking negatively about something or someone and feeling negative emotions.

Depending on your belief systems, it may take a few days and for some, a few years to manifest an illness. And this is a constant process. It chips away at the body very slowly depending on the intensity and the frequency of the negative thoughts and emotions.

So, this is going to be a lengthy session, a lengthy monologue – where we are going to cover first, the mechanism of how the illnesses are created, and then the ways to stop it from happening. Your spiritual development will be accelerated and it will also allow you to connect with other beings once you learn how to. Manage your thoughts and emotions and hence master the body.

Questions asked are posted in the comments because they did not fit in the description.

For upcoming channeling events, visit: https://shop.abetterliving.co/live-channeling-event

For a private channeling session, visit: https://abetterliving.co/private-channeling-by-moumita-paul/

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