Archangel Metatron,Beings,Channeling,Positive mindset,Self,Spirituality,Videos

Use this light language recording to remove the limiting beliefs about your poor self-esteem, capabilities, self-worth, fears of failure, perfectionism, and not feeling good enough.

Move beyond the limited beliefs you have set for yourself. You can fall in love without having to lose weight or change who you are. You can be happy now instead of after {insert anything you are waiting for} happens. You are more than capable to get that promotion at work.

You are worthy of more. You are worthy of the best experiences life has to offer. You can choose to stop focusing on everything that can go “wrong” in life. You can choose to focus on every little thing that is “wrong” with you. And you can choose to be excited about what can go right and about who you truly are. Express yourself to the fullest with new, empowering thoughts about yourself and your life. Check out the link below to get assistance on your personal & spiritual growth.

Benefits of Joining the Ascension Program Membership:

Self Actualize:

Discover the wisdom within you. Realize your true potential by allowing yourself to just be yourself. Dig your roots deep into your own true identity.

Manifest Abundance:

Become the Master Manifestor – create wealth, prosperity, abundance, and overflow with contentment.

Develop Inner Resilience:

Be a lotus- not letting life’s challenges define you or affect you. Bloom no matter what or who you are.

Protection from negative emotions, tough times, and develop emotional resilience no matter what the circumstances are.

Spiritual Leadership:

Be the light for others in the darkness. Embrace your authenticity, talent, and power to change your circumstances. Be the spiritual path shower and leader for others who are struggling in their lives.

Wisdom from the Divine:

Dive into the depths of ancient knowledge from Divine Beings. Access wisdom that enhance the quality of life and brings peace to your soul. Hidden knowledge of the universe, secrets of metaphysics, magic & manifestation

Connection & Harmony:

Connection with people, Earth, and nature. Live in harmony, love, joy, and peaceful co-existence with animals, plants, etc. Experiencing Divine balance with all things living is the Golden Earth Frequency.

Unlock Your Hidden Potential

Your soul purpose is contained in your heart. The heart closes due to our lifelong suffering, disappointments and trauma. The Ascension Program is meant to open your heart, erase your traumas, limiting beliefs, past life & ancestral patterns, and give you an epigenetic activation of your hidden abilities in your DNA. Then you are ready to become your ‘higher self’ on Earth.

– Discover Your Core Strengths

– Align With Your Divine Purpose

– Release inner limitations

– Master your emotions and physical health

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