Beings,Blog,Channeling,Free Stuff,HOD,Metaphysics,Science

Before we can even go into what frequency is, you must understand what exactly are we measuring. And hence, it will make more sense why it is frequency and not a solid matter that we are talking about. As you see, if you narrow down on physical matter at a microscopic level or an atomic level or even further beyond that. Your scientists have already discovered that there is no end to how far you can divide a particle into smaller components.

As you go smaller and smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons, you will eventually discover that the particles are not really behaving like particles or solid matter anymore. This is already established in your quantum physics because at a minuscule level like that matter is really energy vibrating at a very, very slow speed. This is already proven by your scientists like Einstein with the formula of e is equal to m c squared, where matter and energy are interchangeable.

Now how can you interchange something if they are already not the same thing, just changing its form? Just like when you freeze water, it becomes solid ice, but it’s still water, chemically speaking. Or when you heat water, it becomes vapor, which is gaseous in its state, but it’s still water. So just like water can change its state, Similarly, energy can also become matter. Technically speaking, that’s just an illusion – where the energy is at a slower, colder frequency, denser frequency, where it’s not able to manifest its energy-like qualities more easily.

So now that you understand that matter is nothing but energy vibrating at a very slow level. Let us understand the human body.

Your body is made of light. When we say light, it does not mean the traditional light spectrum that you know of. Light has a higher range of spectrum that is not visible to humans. So when a very high-frequency light like your higher self decides to exist in multiple lower dimensions, it can create a warp in space-time. You could call it a gravitational cavity in space-time.

And then allow a portion of its high-frequency light to trickle down through every dimension one by one, leaving its high-frequency energies in each dimension, one layer at a time until it reaches the three dimensions where the warp or that 3D hollow gravitational space was created.  When the high-frequency light of the higher self trickles down and loses its powers and eventually reaches that warp, it does not have its power left to freely roam around. So it gets sucked into that gravitational warp, which is your 3D body’s mold in space-time.

If you have difficulty imagining it, let us give an example of a more established metaphor and analogy that you are more familiar with like the black hole. The black hole has so much mass that it creates it distorts the gravity around it and creates a sinkhole so that thing around it simply comes and enter that sinkhole. It just gets attracted to that sinkhole.

Similarly, 3D gravitational space is created without the use of mass with the help of anti-gravity, which we are not going to go into the details as of now. So gravity and anti-gravity are balanced in such a way so that there is a cavity created in space-time – a gravitational cavity; and that higher frequency light has slowed down and lost much of its strength and narrowed which reaches that warp space of your physical body’s mold as a baby. Then the light cannot escape that gravity. So it ends up bouncing off within that warped space that is created as a mold of your body. It just bounces off, bounces off, bounces off, and it’s not able to escape that gravity. So it starts bouncing around in a specific pattern depending on what kind of gravitational mold has been created.

light body

Each individual has their own unique mold. And based on that mold, the light bounces off in a very specific direction, frequency, and strength speed. And it is unable to escape that. So it kind of starts repeating itself within that space, bouncing off the inner edges of that warp. And while that light starts bouncing off each other, the energies, tend to not have enough space to move around freely because an excess amount of light is forced fed into a small space like your physical body.

So it starts creating many gravitational center points where your protons and neutrons reside. So these energies become so slowed down, that they start behaving like particles, like the protons and neutrons, which create microgravities and capture the electron clouds around it, thus creating a stable structure, just like your solar system. And thus, in such a way, the energy now is captured so as to speak in a specific pattern. It is moving in the body in a specific rhythm or vibration. This is what you know as the chi or life force or prana.

It is very much alive and conscious of its own, and it differentiates itself into different cells of your body and vibrates at different frequencies. And this is how your bodies are created at a microscopic level. And then, you know, as for your science, how that fetus grows into the full body. So essentially speaking, you are all energies vibrating at a very unique core frequency. Each being’s frequency is different.

The core frequency is different because the gravitational mold created for you is different. And hence, your personality, your life path, and everything is based on that mold that is created. So the light frequency creates or rather follows a pattern or path, which is similar to sacred geometries like your DNA structure, which is a double helix. It would take another session to explain how the light vibrates at that core frequency, But if the human if humans had to be represented in a sacred geometry, it would be your DNA, the double helix structure, because that is your core frequency. That is the frequency at which the light captured in your body vibrates in a specific rhythm, speed, density,  and many other variables.

So when we are talking about measuring frequency, we are essentially talking about at what speed your overall body energy is vibrating at;  because the prana or the chi is constantly in motion within that warped space that you know as your body. It is constantly in flux, in motion, moving at specific patterns and rhythms. And when you follow your highest excitement and joy, that rhythm and pattern increases its vibration, increases its speed, increases its frequency as if it is trying to break through that mold and become nonphysical again to raise its vibration and reach the higher dimensions than three d. So how do you measure these frequencies?

For that, you have to stop seeing the human body or any solid objects as solid. Now human eyes have been made to see solid objects and perceive solid objects as something that your hands cannot pass through, but that is an illusion. Those are based on collective “egregores”  that exist on your planet and also the universe, which prevents you from seeing the true nature of solidity. However, when you are doing astral travel, you can request to see the true nature of matter in the fifth dimension, and you shall see it is no different than energy. It is energy trapped into a specific mold that is constantly in flux and in motion and changing all the time.

So just like you would measure the wavelength of other waves. Similarly, there are certain properties of your energetic physical existence, which can be measured when you have the right equipments to measure the frequency. And for that to happen, you have to stop seeing matter as solid, which is something can be hard to do at this point of time without a total awakening of humanity where you have merged science and spirituality together.

You are unable to see that both are two sides of the same coin. So extraterrestrials who have ascended to the fifth dimension and higher, have advanced knowledge of science and technology, and hence, are able to create devices through which this frequency can be measured just like anything else on your planet can be measured. So if you really want to create equipment to measure frequencies, you have to start seeing solid objects from a different perspective. And that would take a lot of training in the lucid dream world where you train yourself to start seeing matter for what it is in reality instead of seeing the illusion.

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