Blog,Free Stuff,Positive mindset,Self

Ever feel stuck or like you’re spinning in circles with a decision? You’ve overthought it a million times but still can’t find clarity. I have a solution for you!

I discovered this new way of finding quick solutions in 5 minutes by using Metaphoric Associative cards (MA cards).

What are MA cards?

MA cards are kind of like a mirror for your subconscious mind. They help you see patterns and insights that are already inside you but might be hiding just under the surface. The meaning & interpretation of these cards are unique for every individual, even if each one of your are looking at the same card.

These cards were originally created by Eli Raman in 1975 and are even used by therapists today. They’re similar to tools like tarot or the Rorschach inkblot test—basically, what you see in the images is your mind projecting its own thoughts, which can bring you the clarity or answers you need.

So why are these cards useful? When you’re feeling confused or overwhelmed, they give you a fresh perspective by letting your mind interpret symbols and images in a way that makes sense to you. It’s like having a conversation with your subconscious, and the best part? The answers come from inside you. It’s your truth and you will get clarity in 5 minutes.

Here’s how you can try it today:

While you are focused on spirituality, I’d like you to gently start exploring inner work for self-discovery & self-actualization. These kinds of tools are simple guidance that will lead you to some beautiful & surprising discoveries about yourself. So here is how to use the MA cards.

  1. Think of a question or something that’s been bothering you—something you’d really love clarity on. Write it down if that helps.
  2. Now, look at the three cards below. Which one are you drawn to? Don’t overthink it—just go with your gut and pick one card.
  1. Stare at the card you chose. What do you see? Is there something that jumps out? Pay attention to any little detail.
  2. What do you feel when you look at the card? Are there positive emotions coming up or uncomfortable ones? Or mixed?
  3. Now, ask your question again. How does the image relate to your problem? Where do you see the problem reflected in this card? Which part/image/symbol/object in the card represents you? Where do you see the solution in the card?
  4. Keep looking while you ponder the above questions. Let the symbols or emotions that pop up guide you to an answer. It might take a minute, but trust me—the image will start to make sense and offer insights.

MA cards are a simple but powerful way to get out of your head and into your intuition. It can be used even for spiritual insights and other practices. The best part is that the answer will be totally unique to you because it’s based on your own inner wisdom. 

Give it a shot and let me know what comes up for you!

(P.S.: I am not affiliated with the association I mentioned. Only 3 Cards are shared here. Usually, MA cards come in a deck of 44-66 cards of different types and variety)

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