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A parallel reality is another reality that exists that is different from what you know to be true as of now. And it is as real as your current reality is. But you may or may not experience it because your ‘perspective’ only allows you to experience ‘your’ reality. Not the other parallel realities (possibilities). You are not of the same ‘frequency’ as the other ‘realities’ to manifest them. That is why you don’t even know it exists because it is not visible to you. Hence you never experience it.

Let me use an example: let’s say someone posted a video about spotting an alien on YouTube. But when you observe that news, you may not accept it. You may deny it saying that it is CGI or some kind of terrific video editing. Because probably in your belief systems, aliens don’t exist. So, despite the evidence, you may perceive that video as some random person wanting to gain viral views. Or a government conspiracy. Or something that could be mistaken for an alien. Or something else. So, in ‘your’ reality, your experience of this video will be completely different from someone who has a different viewpoint. That is why, on social media, one video can garner multiple perspectives from different people. Because each person has their own opinion about what actually happened.

Let’s just say there was a way to figure out and prove that the video footage the person posted on YouTube was actually a highly edited video. But that does not negate the possibility that there could be other variations of this truth that happened that you didn’t get to experience. Say, in some reality you may have actually seen an actual alien footage. Or in another reality, you may have observed a well-fabricated conspiracy. All those realities exist in parallel with the one you are experiencing now. But you can only perceive the one you are in. Because ‘your’ perspective is not as same as the other versions of ‘you’ experiencing those realities.

Wait… there are other versions of me??

Yes! Every moment you are choosing to be one ‘version’ of you from the billions of possibilities of you that exist. This choice is very unconscious for a majority of you. With every choice and every action, you are choosing to be a very specific version of yourself from all the parallel realities available to experience.

Think of it as the movie Matrix, where Neo is given a choice –choose the red pill or the blue pill. And there is no going back whatever you choose. Choosing the red pill will set you up in a particular life path. Choosing the blue pill will take you on a different path than the red pill. Except that in parallel reality, this choice is being made by you every moment. Every moment you are defining yourself who you choose to be, consciously or unconsciously. And based on that choice, you are going to experience a specific life path.

Then how many versions of me exist?

There are billions of versions of you that exist in one moment. You can choose to be only one. Let’s play with another example: let’s say you are walking down the park. You see an ice cream van. At this point, there are billions of possibilities to choose from – say in one reality you actually walk up to the van and buy an ice cream. Say in another reality, you decide to not eat any ice cream and continue walking. In some other reality, you decide to eat an ice cream but you are interrupted by a phone call, and by the time you finish talking, the van is gone. Or in some other reality, you approach the van but the van is bait to kidnap you.

In this way, you can imagine any version of what could happen to you in that situation. And all of those possibilities can happen. Those possibilities actually are real and exist in the quantum field, waiting to manifest. So, each one of that possibilities is a parallel reality. And you will experience only one of them, and never get to see or experience the other possibilities. Which one you will experience will depend on who you define yourself to be in that moment.

Wait, how am I defining myself in that moment? Or at any moment at all?

Most of you are not defining yourself consciously. It is an automatic process that you are not aware of. Your state of being is your definition of who you are. State of being means a combination of your belief system, thoughts, and emotions that allow you to define who you are at that moment.

Suppose in your childhood you were always rewarded with an ice cream if you did something nice. And you felt good. Now it may have become your belief that reward = ice cream. When you see an ice cream, this reward center in your mind lights up. It fills you with joy. Then upon seeing the ice cream van, your state of being would shift to ‘excitement’. And based on that state of being, you will make a choice.

This is just one example of how your state of being is defined by how you perceive things and your emotional response to it. There could be many other versions of you who will not make the same decision and hence not have the same experience as you. Because when they see the ice cream van, they don’t ‘feel’ the same thing and have the same thoughts as you. They might have been preoccupied with some other thought and had been in a different mood. That would create a different reaction to the ice cream van.

Their decision can also be ‘slightly’ different than yours. Like they can jump towards the ice cream van instead of walking. And even the slightest difference in their state of being and actions would create a whole new different reality experience for them than yours.

This excerpt was from my parallel reality ebook. Do you want to keep reading about parallel realities?

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