Trauma can happen to anybody at any given stage of the time. But majority of our fragmentation happens during her childhood or teenage.
If you’re experiencing self hate or the resistance or the inner conflicts or inner warfare that I spoke about, then you have fragments within you. So you think that you are one whole person. But actually that’s not the case. You have multitude of personalities in you. Each one of those parts of you or fragments of you have their own personality, likes and dislikes, energy levels, even body heat and temperature. Whatever conflicts or resistance that you’re going through is one part of, or one such personalities inside you stopping you from doing something. So remember, one thing, all the fragments that exist within us are trying to help us in some way.
They think they are helping us in their own twisted way. But they don’t realize that they are actually stopping us from doing something good.
Depending on the number of traumas we went through, if we have a multitude of fragments, like 20, 30, 100 fragments within us, then there are usually one or two fragments or the part of you will take control of the main personality. And the remaining fragments would be either in the subconscious. Or getting activated when specific situations arise. Those parts, which are lying in the subconscious and get activated only during specific circumstances, they don’t have the conscious experience of the timeline, the main personality, which is you, are living.
So they don’t know that if some fragmentation happened when you were five years old. If a part of you were suppressed, then when you are 30 years old, that part is still unconscious. It is still suppressed. And it is still at the age of five. It does not know what experiences you have gone through in between.
And what is your new reality.
Parts work is going to help you bring those fragmented parts of you into awareness. It is going to take your subconscious personas and bring it to light. Your mind, body, soul is eventually going to get into alignment. You will stop feeling any inner resistance or doubts or procrastination or even decision-making.
You will not feel internal warfare anymore. You will become more aware of who you are. And in fact, that is one of the steps in spiritual awakening.
But once you actually start doing the parts work where you are actually bringing your subconscious parts into awareness so that it stop resisting you, where you can disarm them and align them and integrate them with your main conscious self, you will become a whole new, different kind of a person. You will discover a lot of your superpowers, which you didn’t even know you had.
You will discover what are the things that you actually need. The needs which are there in the subconscious and you are not exactly aware of that.
You are indirectly trying to meet those needs because you are not even aware of that. And all the manipulation, all the coping mechanisms that you have, all of them will vanish. All the shopaholics, workaholics, food holics alcoholics, all the holics- these are all coping mechanisms. We indulge in excesses of things because we are trying to cope with the shitty reality. So all these coping mechanisms will vanish because there will be nothing left to cope.
Now, if you are wondering that, why should I even do parts work? If self-awareness is not your goal. Then what happens is if you are moving ahead in your life, despite the inner resistance or inner conflict that you’re facing, situations will get worse in your life. Because whatever you resist persists.
Your internal world actually reflects in what is happening outside in the world too. This is how the law of attraction works. The outside situations in your life are nothing but a reflection of your internal world. So if your internal world is full of conflict, you are going to face the same outside also.
Whether you are consciously aware of them or not.
I will give you some example of extreme forms of fragmentation. Usually for regular people like you and me, we can do parts work and bring those fragments into consciousness. There are like 1 or 2% of the population who have gone through extreme forms of fragmentation. When one fragment is conscious, the other fragment is completely unconscious. And each parts take turn to coming to consciousness. An example of that, you will see in multiple personality disorder. That is nothing but different parts of a person is awake and taking control of the main body, at different points of time. None of them are aware of each other. Or maybe some of them are aware of each other.
watch these movies like Machinist, Fight Club, one of my favorite movies, Split. All these three movies have one thing in common. The protagonist has multiple personality disorder. This is an experience of extreme fragmentation, which usually doesn’t happen to you and me.
Now, if you are doing parts work for the first time. It is going to be a little bit time consuming activity. So you should be mentally prepared that you find the time of the day where you are not going to be disturbed by anybody. For me when I did it for the first time, it took me three hours.
It could take more or less for you because for individual case basis it depends and differs. But eventually when you keep doing it often, then this time would reduce and you can eventually, you will reach a stage where you can just do it any point of the day at any time. And it will also consume lesser time. But when you’re doing parts work, don’t rush it or don’t force it just because you don’t have time.
Let it organically unfold.
Because you cannot heal yourself, if you’re trying to rush it or push it or force it. That’s not how healing or alignment happens.
Now I’m going to discuss how to do the parts work. How will you know when to do it? Whenever you are facing any inner resistance or inner conflict or any kind of internal warfare or hearing an inner critic. That’s when you know you have to do the parts work. Choose a time of the day when you are not going to be disturbed by anybody for at least two, three hours.
And you have to also choose the place carefully where nobody’s going to interrupt you or disturb you. The point is if somebody comes and participates or breaks it in between, then the healing would not fully happen.
Take a voice recorder if you’re comfortable talking. Or a pen and paper if you are comfortable, more writing. That’s the first step.
If you have found a place where you’re not going to be disturbed, just have two chairs or two stools with you. Because if you’re doing it for the first time, it’s important that you are able to separately identify each of these parts and personalities. What we are going to do with those two chairs are we are going to put them in that room or wherever you are, face to face, and with some distance between them.
What we are going to do is we are going to invoke one part. And talk to it. And then we are going to invoke the opposite part. Which is resisting this part in the other seat, and talk to it. So both the parts will be sitting on two different chairs.
There will be a middle ground, which is your main personality, who is basically getting this entire activity coordinated. So that means central personality would be standing in between these two chairs. Now, what I want you to do is pick any one chair and sit down.
Once you feel ready then close your eyes. And ask yourself: that I want to talk to that part of me which is not agreeing to do- fill in the blanks. If you are facing resistance to go to the gym, You say that I want to talk to the part that doesn’t wants to go to the gym.
Or you can ask yourself that: I want to talk to the part that is ashamed of myself. Or I want to talk to the part that is criticizing me. And you imagine that that part is taking all over you.
You imagine that your main personality, which is you, is as if stepping out of your body and standing right in front of you. Staring at you. And you are letting this part that you just invoked completely take control of your body. As if your main identity and main personalities right outside your body, waiting for this part to speak up.
Don’t worry. You are still in control. You have not lost anything. Our personality is not going to run away, leaving you with this part or leaving your body. Those things don’t happen. You are still in, you. What we are trying to do is we are trying to invoke this part and hear what it has to say. And that can only happen when you allow the main controlling part or the personality to take the back seat. And allow this part to come into the driver’s seat.
Now that you have allowed this part to completely take control of your consciousness or awareness right now. Just notice what thoughts arise when you become this part. This part can have a lot of things to say. It can be very critical, dismissive of you. Or even might be saying things that it hates about you. Or it could just be saying normal things that whatever it is trying to resist you from. So it’s very important that you start recording what it has to say. So at this point of time, you may want to take a voice recorder in your phone app and start recording the voice.
Make sure your phone is in silent mode and a do not disturb mode, where nobody will call you and interrupt you at this point of time. Or even better: what I usually do is start writing instead of recording my voice. I write using my non-dominant hand. What do I mean by that?
Say for example, if I usually use my right hand to write, then I’m going to use my left hand to start recording what this part has to talk about. Because my left hand becomes my non-dominant hand. If you are a lefty who uses left hand to write, then the right hand will become a non-dominant hand. So use your non-dominant hand to write what this part has to say.
Now the best way to understand it is to ask questions to it.
Your sole objective is to understand and bring it into alignment.
So ask these questions. If you want, you can write down these questions so that when you’re doing this exercise, you have these questions ready made in your hand.
How do I feel like?
How big or small am I? Do I feel male or female?
Is it in human form or non-human form? How old do I feel? Where do I feel I am?
And the next set of questions: when did this start or change for you? When did this all begin for you?
What would you be doing instead, if you could do anything else and why?
How does this part feel about the central personality? Which is you. The main you, whatever your name is. And how does this part feel towards the opposite part? Or the other side of it. What relationship does it feel towards the other part?
Also ask that: why is it resisting whatever it is resisting? Or why it is asking you to do whatever it is asking you to do?
What does it need? What does it want?
And how can you help it?