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The no. 1 winning tip for a successful business deal, negotiations or even landing a job offer is to be clear about what you want. It’s such a simple exercise. Yet many of us fail to mentally prepare for the desired outcome before we go to that important meeting. Any kind of a deal or exchange like paying for a service, bargaining the rent with your landlord, etc requires negotiation skills and clarity of your objective. A mental preparation beforehand of your BATNA, meaning which items you will not compromise on, is crucial for success. 


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sacred sexuality

Sacred Sexuality – Channeling Mary Magdalene

Explore powerful 4 techniques to heal sexual trauma via shadow work, energy healing and more. Find out how sexual energy has played an important role in spirituality like Tantra and awakening the Kundalini. And how it became a taboo and shameful in the human society. It’s time to clean your perspective about sex & sexuality for good relationships and personal growth

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