A superpower is a quality or capability in us that we are exceptionally good at. It comes naturally to us, it feels effortless and energizes us the more we do it. It makes us feel powerful and “in our element”.

Most of you know your superpower as your “life’s purpose” in this life. Or your “strengths“. Chances are high if you are using your superpowers in your daily life, you are happier and more fulfilled. If you are not using superpowers in your life, why not? Take the time to introspect what your superpower is and figure out a way to do it more often daily. Do you find it exciting to discover your superpower? Drop a ‘yes’ in the comments if you agree.

failure & giving up

On Business Failure & Giving Up – Channeling Yeshua & Lucifer

Hope this message brings some peace to business owners who are struggling to create a stable income in their business. You might be feeling perenially stuck, unable to move forward, and experiencing anxiety on a daily basis. Probably you are running out of money, nothing seems to work and you are on the verge of giving up. Then this video is for you.

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