Beings,Channeling,ChatGPT,Free Stuff,Technology,Videos,Yeshua
What are Archetypes - Part 2 - Channeling Yeshua

Find Your Archetypes & How It Relates To The Universe: The first part of the video contains the prompts to find your archetypes using ChatGPT. Enjoy getting to know your life’s theme! 😀

The second part of the video contains a few questions I had about archetypes, and then I channeled the answers from Yeshua. This is the second part of the Archetype series of videos where you can understand what they are and how they influence your life themes.

This part is more about metaphysics and how archetypes exist physically in the universe. I had questions about when we move through the universe, are we moving through these archetypes? And does that mean our location indicates the level of our development in terms of the life theme we have chosen?

Yeshua answers and we explore very interesting concepts as I channel him to find the answers.


Links mentioned in the video:

Archetypes Part 1 video:

Sacred Geometry:

Book a Private Channeling Session with Moumita:

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