Empathy,Positive mindset,Self,Spirituality

I saw this question on ‘what is spiritual awakening‘ on the Bashar group and felt called to answer it. So I am posting the answer here because the answer ended up being longer than 8000 characters. Facebook didn’t allow me to post it lol????

Is Spiritual Awakening like achieving Nirvana?

Spiritual awakening is not the attainment of enlightenment (Nirvana, Moksha, etc). You don’t become a monk, renouncing the material or family. Spiritual awakening is enrolling yourself in the kindergarten of the ‘school of enlightenment’. You have to go through many stages of self-awareness, personal growth, knowing the greater truths of life, applying them in daily life, etc. In other words – start living a spiritual way of life. Until you ‘graduate’ and become ‘enlightened’.

I can only speak of what I understand it to be. It does not happen in just one aspect of your being. You experience spiritual awakening physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Your life & relationships are majorly impacted when you go through an awakening.

8 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening:

Here are a few signs of a spiritual awakening that I know of. Don’t use them in isolation. They will occur together in a bunch. If you can see a match of at least 5 of them, you have probably experienced a spiritual awakening:

1. Spiritual symptoms:

You are not satisfied with your life anymore. You may be successful and have everything a successful and socially “perfect” person can ever have. Yet you are not happy. You crave a deeper meaning. You want to know your life purpose. You know somewhere deep down that there is something more to life than just doing a job, marriage, children, and regular “Normal” stuff. Automatically you look for ‘answers’ to your understanding of the world and your life, that ‘science’ cannot shed light on. You will not be satisfied with anything until you come across teachers who have ‘answers’.

2. Your life may fall apart:

The biggest sign of awakening is you will start seeing people’s ‘true colors’. You will start seeing through the bullshit, how they are sabotaging their own life and blaming it on other factors, or how they are abusing you/others and denying responsibility. You may suddenly become depressed with the world around you (the veil is lifted). You will go through major emotional upheaval or turmoil because your path will no longer be aligned with what others want you to do.

You will lose interest in your existing circle of friends. You may suddenly start having conflicts with family/friends/coworkers because you can start seeing their nonsense and no longer accept it. You will no longer be satisfied in your regular job. You may lose interest in life in general and feel empty inside. You may be craving authenticity and a deep connection with either yourself, people, or the divine.

3. People and relationships take a hit:

You will start getting triggered almost all the time by people. You can see how people are displaying toxic behavior that is ‘normalized & accepted’ in society. Or how easily they are manipulated by others because they lack discernment. This is different from judgment or feeling superior. A spiritual awakening opens your crown chakra and your ability to discern. It increases your intelligence in general and the ability to ‘see through’ things. You may start recognizing plain ‘ignorance’ in others and this may irritate and annoy you. Because you expect them to “see the things you are seeing” and they may not be able to “see” it the way you do. Because they haven’t awakened yet. You may get frustrated. Your patience level will decrease. This was the single most surprising thing I noticed in an awakening because I assumed that becoming spiritually awakened meant I would become nicer, kinder, and more patient with people. Boy, how wrong I was! ????????

4. Physical symptoms:

Spiritual awakening is not just an intellectual experience. It creates changes in your body. Your body will go through sudden, unexplained problems or changes that cannot be diagnosed by doctors. These problems will appear either all together all at once. Or in a rapid succession of one after the other. They will appear and disappear within a span of a few days or weeks. It doesn’t stay for longer than that.

Physical symptoms include unexplained vertigo, heightened sensitivity to light/sound/smell, etc to the point the ordinary light in your room hurts your eyes, out of the blue. And after a few days, things go back to normal without any intervention. Sudden nausea for a few days which resolves on its own. Sudden fatigue, body aches, headache, massive changes in sleep cycles (disturbed sleep, insomnia, sleeping at odd times or odd hours), etc.

The physical symptoms happen because of the DNA activation done on you by your spirit guides in your sleep. DNA activations create energetic adjustments that unlock new abilities in you. The symptoms are your body’s way of adjusting to the new experience. I missed the article which explained the physical symptoms in detail. If you are experiencing the physical symptoms longer than a month then probably it’s some other problem and not an awakening. Persisting problems could also indicate a partial kundalini awakening.

5. New abilities unlocked:

The above physical changes also bring about unlocking new abilities like the 8 ‘clairs’ – clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, etc. Or it may activate your innate abilities which are aligned with your purpose. E.g. some people who are animal communicators, and plant communicators may suddenly start receiving messages from plants/animals and feel they have become crazy! Those who have unique abilities like water bending might suddenly feel an unexplained connection with water, qi gong, etc. If your purpose is aligned with energy healing, suddenly you will start noticing your unexplained interest in alternative healing modalities.

Say, if your purpose is creative expression through art, and your whole life you have been a carpenter, you will suddenly be drawn to painting out of the blue. Your creativity will explode in an unexpected area and you will feel extremely passionate about it. For example, after my awakening in 2021, I used to get sudden explosive creative urges to talk about personal development. These sudden, unexplained extremely strong, urges would appear randomly at odd hours like while I am cooking, in the bathroom, or have just woken up from sleep, etc.

I was also suddenly drawn to Akashic records and was able to use my ‘clairaudience’ to access it on the 4th try. I didn’t even know what clairaudience was until last year. I just knew I could hear ‘other voices’ in my head which gave me answers I could not come up with on my own. You will have very little control when these urges come & go. Just go with the flow and let it out. You may or may not fully understand your abilities and you cannot explain it to anyone because you feel people would think you are crazy.

This activation of special abilities may not be immediately apparent to you. But you will suddenly have interest and desire in activating your third eye, or in any kind of esoteric practice to access the unknown. This intrinsic desire comes right after the physical changes on its own. You might suddenly be interested in accessing Akashic records, talking to your spirit guides, or astral travel, lucid dreams, or anything that can give you access to the spiritual realm.

6. Intense desire to know your life’s purpose:

You will feel called to your life purpose. You will not settle for the status quo anymore. You won’t be bogged down by your family or society’s expectations of you. You will not feel satisfied until you have found it. You may change your career to something else entirely. Or explore newer depths and avenues in your existing career that you haven’t explored before.

7. Self-awareness & Personal Development:

This is the most important one. This is where a majority of people stop and hence hinder the complete awakening process. Because not everyone wants to take a look at themselves honestly.

As you crave deeper answers, you will start noticing your thoughts, behavior patterns, or actions. You will start becoming aware of why you are triggered. You start reading self-help books to understand yourself. Or watch videos/podcasts on personal development. The desire to know ‘who you are’ is activated deep inside of you.

You will start observing what is driving your desires, motivations, and behaviors. Why are you acting the way you do? You will suddenly not feel good about yourself because you will notice your own toxic tendencies. And you start looking for answers as to why you behave, think, and feel this way. This is when you seek out shadow work, therapy, hypnotherapy, trauma healing, etc. This is where the maximum and major personal growth happens. You start taking responsibility for your behavior instead of blaming your childhood trauma, others, or society.

8. Loneliness:

This is very, very common. Either you will let go of people. Or people will ‘fire’ you from their lives. You will have difficulty connecting with others unless they feel the same depth of understanding as you. You will lose interest in ‘human’ problems, they may seem too trivial for you. You might become very selective about what kind of people you allow in your life. For your mental, emotional, and spiritual peace is more important than the drama of the ‘unawakened’ souls.


Spiritual awakening in most cases happens after the “dark night of the soul”. Some evolved souls may not experience the dark night at all. Sometimes the dark night will continue along with the awakening for a few years where you are learning to accept that your life has changed forever and you cannot go back to the old way of living anymore. And that means letting go of people who do not want to grow with you. This can be hard and may involve a lot of crying and grieving. That is part of the process. You will eventually start attracting newer friends and people in your life who resonate with your newfound truth.

If you resonate with the above, you can accelerate the upcoming layers and stages of awakening by following your highest excitement. And also continue to ‘work on yourself’, release your limiting beliefs, heal your past traumas, etc for personal growth. For knowing yourself is knowing God. For YOU are SOURCE choosing to have this experience called ‘life’.

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