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Here are some horary charts with known outcomes. The question and the context are given beside the chart. My answers are highlighted in yellow, along with the outcome from the querent. Images may take some time to load.

horary chart for selling phone

Will I be able to sell my iPhone?
I was trying to sell my iPhone XR online. The phone was in good condition. But its charger and headphone were damaged. I tried selling only the phone, but no luck. I had to buy a charger before trying to sell it the second time. That’s when I cast this chart.
The phone is a moveable possession and is denoted by the 2nd house, Jupiter being its dispositor. Jupiter just moved out of its fall, indicating that the phone now has a charger that comes with it. To be able to successfully sell it, the 7th lord (my customers) should make an aspect with either the phone (2nd lord) or me (1st lord).
The 7th lord is in the sign of the 2nd house ruler (Jupiter), showing he/she really likes the phone. The buyer’s money is shown by the 8th house (2nd from the 7th). The 8th house lord Mercury exalts the 1st lord, meaning that the price at which it is sold will be a good one. But, there is no direct aspect between any of the significators. However, the Moon has separated from Venus (7th lord) and is about to conjunct mars (1st lord). This is a translation of light, which meant ‘yes, I will be able to sell the phone’. I was able to sell the phone 7 weeks from the date of posting this chart.

real estate horary
Lost cat horary
exam horary

Empathy and astrological predictions

Delivering bad news to clients as an astrologer is not a pleasant experience. When a person is trying to clutch onto the last hopes about something they dearly want, and the horary chart denies it, what more can an astrologer do?

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Examples of solved horary cases

Here are some horary charts with known outcomes. The question and the context are given beside the chart. My answers are highlighted in yellow, along with the outcome from the querent.

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