Inner Healing as Path to Self Discovery – Channeling Metatron
This video is about using inner healing as a path to spiritual ascension & self discovery where Metatron goes into depth and details clarifying concepts
This video is about using inner healing as a path to spiritual ascension & self discovery where Metatron goes into depth and details clarifying concepts
A client of mine talked about her mental health and the frequent breakdowns she is going through regularly in my channeling session and asked about
Your belief systems create your reality. And so does your state of being. But what controls your belief system? Learn more!
How you can reframe a negative experience to reap positive benefits from it
Love is not just about giving to others. Love is also filling your own cup. If you don’t have your cup filled, then how are
I channeled the answer to what ‘beliefs’ are biologically speaking. This is a detailed explanation of how you create beliefs and what exactly they are,
If you are experiencing repeated negative patterns in your life, then those are caused by limiting beliefs. Learn how to identify those beliefs that make
Find relief from phobias and panic attacks Fast & Instantly! Regain control of your nervous system through this simple breathing exercise & meditation. Find peace
Explore powerful 4 techniques to heal sexual trauma via shadow work, energy healing and more. Find out how sexual energy has played an important role
How do you find your mission statement of your purpose? Implement your mission statement. What’s next?