As I mentioned I’ll share more personal development videos with you in my earlier, I wanted to share my story with you as to how it started for me. 

My struggles and how releasing limiting beliefs impacted me:

If you have been following my channeling videos or have taken my private channeling sessions, you will often notice that the beings I channel talk about personal development, therapy, coaching, etc. In fact, some of the permission slips of my group events had been powerful journaling prompts to uncover your shadows or deeply held patterns (e.g. awaken the divine feminine and shadows of humanity transmissions). There is a reason why they say this. It’s because their life purpose is the same as mine – to remind others who they are (Source).

And I believe that we can realize who we are by releasing the beliefs that make us stay stuck to our old patterns of negative thoughts and behaviors. These beliefs are instrumental in shaping your reality and are more pervasive than you thought they were.

So here’s my experience on this: The first time I noticed something was not right in my life was when I saw negative repeating patterns recurring. It happened in both my friendship, relationship patterns, and career. My career had been the most important part of my life back then, and I saw considerable challenges there. I could not stick to any job! 

I would be in a job for 1.5 years at maximum, but I never could complete 2 years in any job – something or the other would happen and I couldn’t stay. Either I would hate the management and leave. Or I got burnt out, fell sick frequently, and took a break. Or I got laid off in some. And even if I stayed in any job, I would get bored, miserable, or could not get along with my team. I was stuck in the same role in different companies for 8 years despite having a stellar background and an MBA. And despite having a stellar reputation or salary, the ‘glass ceiling’ started becoming too visible to me at this level. And I just couldn’t fathom what was I doing wrong.

In my second last job at Amazon, my boss asked me to either get along with two toxic team members or leave. I was shell-shocked by this – I was bullied by another senior team member and my boss knew that. And I had already told him that I was going through therapy (anxiety, depression) because of this. So after all those months of suffering, he is giving up on me? After all that I have done? I decided to leave the job. 

This wasn’t just leaving another job for me. My whole life came to stand still because I knew something was deeply missing. I loved tech, but doing jobs and being miserable in each one of them is not what I want to do anymore. I wasn’t enjoying my role in any company. I was tired of getting overlooked for promotion despite the hard work. And I was completely exhausted by office politics (which is still very normalized in the corporate world). Something had to change.

My depression became worse and I took a 6 months break to really go within and find out what is the meaning of my life. That is when my spiritual awakening happened. 

Life after spiritual awakening

After tons of research when I couldn’t find the answer to this philosophical question, I turned to spirituality. My body underwent some rapid changes during my awakening which were sudden, unexplained, confusing, and left just as rapidly. I discovered the books & videos of Teal Swan, Byron Katie, Evette Rose, etc right during my awakening which helped me tremendously. It led me to discover Akashic records, where I met my spirit guides from Andromeda for the first time. 

I couldn’t believe I was really talking to them. I had to get a few psychic readings to validate if it was them! They did confirm. One of the psychics told me that the Andromedans had fitted my voice with a 7D template and connected my energies to the broadcasting aspect of Mercury. And she encouraged me to use my ‘voice’ more often and to ‘broadcast’ it. This was in 2021. Nothing made sense to me by what she meant by ‘using my voice’ back then. But I knew one thing – I didn’t want to do just another job and wanted to pursue my purpose.

I discovered Bashar in December 2021, which totally and completely changed my life. And that is when I discovered the cause of my repeating negative pattern – limiting beliefs. I sought therapy & coaching both to heal all the emotional upheaval I went through. 

It took me one year to fully wrap my head around the concept, do many coaching sessions with different coaches, and try different therapies like TEAM-CBT, RABT, ACT, etc. While therapy helped tremendously in getting clarity, it did not help me stop the repeating patterns, or release my negative emotions or trauma. But my Dr James Matt’s Mental & Emotional Release (MER) did. MER is a specific type of timeline-based NLP coaching that helps people release traumas, negative emotions, PTSD, and limiting beliefs and integrate ‘fragmented parts’. 

Using MER, my coach helped me uncover that my limiting beliefs about myself and my career were causing these problems. I was creating a negative reality because of this. And then I released those with her help. It not only helped me instantly feel better right after a 2-day breakthrough session, but it also helped me realize that profound changes in life are possible in a very short time. It is not beyond reach and you do not need to suffer for years. 

My transition into spirituality

It also became crystal clear to me that a corporate career is not my path and my soul yearns for more. The negative patterns stopped and I was finally free to pursue my life purpose! I had a hard time wrapping my head around it earlier – I always loved exploring the space, creation of life, metaphysics, big bangs, etc. But never did I ever imagine that I would channel. It was shared with me by another channel when I asked them about my purpose. I didn’t believe it at first when I heard that. I was coaching people back then and continued doing so.

But 3 months later one night I felt called to learn to channel because I had tons of questions on metaphysics and no channel was giving me the answer that resonated with me. I even sought QHHT but there was no practitioner in my city to do that. Out of desperation, I thought I would give channeling a try. I felt very excited to learn it and it was so easy. When I channeled for the first time, my Sirius spirit guides came through making all dolphin-like noises and expressing child-like joy and excitement. Later the same day I channeled the Lemurians and the Arcturians for the first time.

I had difficulty believing that I was channeling. Because I had limiting beliefs like “I am good enough”. I mean, how can channeling be so easy, right? However, the Arcturians encouraged me to do it for others to build my confidence. I panicked that – “What if I am wrong, what if I am really not channeling and all this is my own imagination”? But they said to do it for free and let the people decide whether it is true or not. Thus I went ahead fearfully and did it anyway for free for some time. And the rest is history. 

I received multiple validations from those who I channeled for – that I told them things that were true. It took me quite some time to believe in my own channelings. I also realized I had strong limiting beliefs like “I don’t matter”, “I am not lucky”, etc which were hindering my trust in my abilities and the universe. I released those with the help of my coach.

And there was no looking back! I realized the truth of what the psychic told me two years back to ‘use my voice’ because the Andromedans had fitted it with a 7D template. Well, it was so that I could channel. Who could have thought this was all planned by my spirit guides 2 years before even I knew what channeling was?

Do you want to know more about limiting belief?

In the upcoming videos/posts, I will share more about what limiting beliefs are and how they might be causing trouble in your life as well. Just like it did for me. I had been holding back my gifts from the world because of my limiting beliefs and living a miserable life doing things I didn’t enjoy. Not anymore! And neither do you have to!

I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery. Together, we’ll explore the depths of self-awareness, unlock hidden strengths, and cultivate a mindset of resilience and possibility. Whether you’re seeking clarity in your career, fulfillment in your relationships, love & acceptance of yourself or simply having a deeper sense of purpose, know that you’re not alone.

I’ll be sharing simple coaching tools and techniques that you can use for your own personal development, self-discovery, and healing of negative emotions. Together, we’ll uncover the limitless possibilities that await within you.

My upcoming posts will be on  –

  • What are limiting beliefs  – why they are a problem (part 1)
  • What are limiting beliefs biologically speaking? (part 2)
  • How you are creating your reality (with your beliefs) – part 2

For now, I’d love to hear your stories if you have experienced anything similar. Or if something in this post clicked for you.

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