Archangel Michael,Blog,Channeling,Positive mindset

This transmission excerpt is taken from a conversation between a very close friend of mine and Archangel Michael. Her mom is narcissistic and has caused her immense pain, boundary violations, and mental torture. She had been tolerating that given her mom’s old age. But she was finally pushed to the edge one day when she erupted in anger and threw a water bottle at her mom. That was the only attempt she could make to stop the abuse, but she felt immense guilt and shame after that. She wasn’t sure how this incident will be judged by a therapist, so she took this channeling session with me.

Please proceed with caution as Michael shares some explosive perspectives that I am personally still grappling with. I feel we as a human collective are not ready to hear controversial opinions, but I am hoping this may give you some hope or light if you have experienced narcissistic abuse in your life. Do share your thoughts in the comments.

conflict between mom and daughter
AI-generated image of a mom and daughter conflict

The Conversation Excerpt

Michael: You just have to be yourself. 

Her: I have forgotten how to be me.

Michael: yes, that is because you are trying to be somebody. You are not what you should be instead of what is this constant desire to fix yourself and not feel any pain is causing more pain.

Her: These do not make any sense to me because I just want to experience happiness and allow myself to just be.

Michael: then stop trying to fix yourself, you are perfect.

Her: but I don’t feel that way. so I’d rather ask this question. How do I know and feel that I am perfect? How do I embody it?

Michael: you are already embodying it. It’s just that you don’t feel it.

Her: so how can I feel it when I’m constantly feeling unsafe about my safety? I don’t know.

Michael: perfection doesn’t require embodiment. Perfection is what is. All you have to do is change this perspective. See yourself from a different angle. Are you ready to do that?

Her: How do I do that? Are you going to share any permission slip?

Michael: you are again looking for a tool or technique.

Her: yes because I don’t understand it otherwise.

Michael: what if I told you that the feeling of perfection feels like exactly how you are feeling – confusion, frustration, anger, fear, happiness, and a mix of everything? Where you feel shame for beating up your narcissistic mom, you are perfect. when you are stopping yourself from doing that, then also you’re perfect.

Her: I can’t believe you are saying this. You are encouraging violence.

Michael: no. I am encouraging awareness. What makes you feel less perfect when you are beating up your mom?

Her: Society. Because that is cruelty. Would you say a man beating up his wife is perfection?

Michael: what, if I said yes?

Her: That would be horrific. Life will stop existing as it is. There is enough nonsense going on in the world. I don’t want more of shitty information.

Michael: I am Archangel Michael and I can tell you this, allowing yourself as who you are every moment is what perfection is. Every moment is perfect, and so are you there is nothing perfect and God‘s world.

Her: but this is from your higher point of view. causing a soul to suffer is bad karma and binds the perpetrator and victim together.

Michael: prepare to forget everything you know, prepare to love yourself as you are.

Her: I can’t. I am sorry. I feel great shame. What you are saying is difficult to do. it sounds good in theory. I did so much trauma healing, and I still feel the tools have failed me.

Michael: that they have, that’s why you have come to me. I’m giving you something so simple yet you deny it.

Her: I’m not denying it. It’s just too hard to love and accept myself, and I am not doing the right things.

Michael: So what are the ‘right’ things?

Her: not causing pain to others.

Michael: Okay, so what about when they have caused pain to you?

Her: I can draw boundaries and tell them the consequences of their action, Should they continue.

Michael: what if you did all of that, and they didn’t listen?

Her: Then follow through with the consequences. 

Michael: so that’s what you did. You gave her a warning to stop the abuse, and she didn’t. So you beat her up. You are trying to stop her from verbal abuse that’s causing pain to you and your family.

Her: Yes but at what cost?

Michael: she is also a Narcissistic person.

Her: what would have you done if you were in my place, Michael?

Michael: I would have done the exact same thing that you did plus also put her in some sort of asylum where they rehabilitate narcissists.

Her: I have thought of that, and there is no such place here.

Michael: that’s why you did what you did.

Her: but how can society function if we are all beating up each other?

Michael: the society is not functional at all right now because there is no such asylum for narcissistic individuals where they can be jailed and rehabilitated. 

Her: There is no known cure for narcissism.

Michael: Who said that there isn’t? A good beating is.

Her: I don’t think that changes their mindset.

Michael: no. but putting them in an asylum and giving them the option to heal themselves or get a beating will definitely create changes in them.

Her: but that is forced, and they will only get better at manipulation.

Michael: they get better at manipulation only because there are no consequences for it.

Her: but that would be restricting their freedom, and it’s inhuman.

Michael: a lot of humanity has suffered because of their rage and insecurities.

Her: Not all narcissists are detected in the NPD test. And there is no known method to identify the narcissistic spectrum folks.

Michael: there will be when enough people have suffered. People will eventually be okay to come up with a rehabilitation for them. You can too.

Her: here I am struggling with my life and you are telling me to create a rehab for individuals with no known cure for toxic behavior.

Michael: certain genetic alterations can be done to prevent humans from giving birth to narcissists.

There was a continuation of this conversation where Michael talked about the origins of narcissism & the Annunaki’s role in it. The second part of this conversation is available here.

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