Book 1:1 Online Coaching Session

Heal the Patterns Keeping You Stuck

Find Career Fulfilment Happy Relationships, Spiritual development and Healthy Self-Worth by Private Coaching with Moumita Paul

Moumita Paul - Coach


Personalized coaching is designed to break through your specific challenges and guide you toward a life of clarity, confidence, and purpose. Notice if the challenges described here resonate with you. You may not experience all of them. But even if you resonate with 3 or more of these, you can benefit from a coaching session.

Career Problems

Do you feel hesitant asking for the desired salary/pay from clients? Feeling stuck in job with no career growth? Being bullied at work? Feeling unfulfilled at current job? Not knowing your life purpose? Fear of leaving a secure job for a passion-based career? Huge losses/failure in business?


Are you experiencing unhealthy patterns in every relationship? Do you have difficulty in setting boundaries? Difficulty trusting others? Fear of vulnerability/rejection? People-pleasing tendencies and fear of conflict? Overcommitting and then feeling guilt/resentment?

Self-Worth and Identity Issues

Do you feel the imposter syndrome, & inner criticism? Do you also experience self-doubt, and a lack of self-trust? Do you hide your talents and second-guess your choices? Do you feel bad when someone posts their accomplishment on social media (comparing yourself to others' successes and feeling like a failure)? Do you suffer from guilt of past mistakes? Do you procrastinate until you feel it's the 'perfect' time to start?

Emotional and Mental Health

Do you experience frequent breakdowns, social anxiety/fear of judgment? And also have a fear of being 'seen' and then criticized? Or do you feel guilt from prioritizing self-care? Do you have poor work-life balance, burnout, and overworking tendencies? Or fear of moving forward after setbacks? And do you notice some of these challenges have a recurring pattern in your life?

Spiritual Disconnection

Do you believe that spirituality and wealth are incompatible, and hence you cannot ask for money (or larger amounts) for spiritual services? Are you struggling to integrate spiritual practices into your daily life? Do you doubt your ability to succeed in a spiritual career? Or do you doubt your intuition, channeling, and psychic talents? Are you disconnected from spirituality?

The reasons are different for everybody

Do You Feel...

Imposter syndrome, Inner criticism, Self-hate

You think - "I need more accomplishments/money to prove my worth." Nope! The root cause is deep-seated self-doubt and unresolved emotional wounds. These create a cycle of negative self-perception (not good enough, not worthy). You are afraid of being "found out" or exposed as inadequate. So you set out to 'achieve' things to gain other people's validation to feel 'worthy'. You set unrealistic standards and then fail to meet those. Thus reinforcing imposter syndrome, self-criticism, and self-hate by feeling like a failure and constantly questioning one’s worth.

Poor Work-Life Balance, Burnout, and Overworking

You think: "I just need to manage my time better." Nope! Overworking & burnout is often a fear of failure, feeling "I don't have enough" and a lack of boundaries. The fear of failure often makes you set unrealistically high standards for yourself, to be seen as 'perfect'. This relentless pursuit of perfection leads to overworking, not delegating tasks and difficulty in saying 'no'. This causes 'taking too much on your plate', and burning out.

Self-Doubt, Second-Guessing Choices, Lack of Self-Trust, and Hiding One’s Talents

You think: "I need more validation from others to feel confident." Nope! The need for validation comes from a lack of self-acceptance, not valuing yourself and fear of judgment. You don't trust or love yourself. A fear of judgment from others drives you to suppress your true self and talents, believing you won't be accepted or valued by others. Thus you are always dependent on other people's opinions of you to feel good about yourself and not your own.

Fear of Leaving a Secure Job for a Passion-Based Career, Feeling Unfulfilled at Current Job

You think: "If I just plan better, I can make the switch without any risk." Nope! You fear of uncertainty and a lack of trust in your abilities. Leading to hesitation in pursuing your true passions and doubting your capacity to succeed at it.

Fear of Rejection/ Vulnerability

You think: "If I avoid showing my true self, I won’t get hurt." Wrong! You are afraid of being judged and the past experiences of rejection left a mark on you. You have internalized the belief that showing your true self will result in further hurt, leading you to protect yourself by avoiding openness and emotional risks.

Social Anxiety/Fear of Judgment

You think: "I need to avoid social situations where I might be judged." Not at all! The root cause of your social anxiety is a deep-seated fear of rejection and low self-esteem. Past negative experiences (e.g. being bullied) have lead you to anticipate criticism or exclusion in social settings. This fear is compounded by low self-esteem, causes you to doubt your worth and worry excessively about how others perceive you. As a result, you may avoid social interactions or feel intense anxiety in social situations, further reinforcing isolation, and loneliness.

People-Pleasing, Fear of Conflict

You think: "If I just keep everyone happy, everything will be okay." Wrong! This is not seeking harmony. But you feel intense fear of rejection and a lack of self-assertion. You prioritize others' approval to avoid being disliked, criticised or excluded. This behavior is fueled by a lack of self-assertion, as you struggle to express your own needs and boundaries, fearing it might lead to confrontation or disapproval. Over time, this pattern leads to resentment and a loss of personal autonomy, as you consistently suppress your true desires to maintain harmony.

Disconnected from Spirituality or Self/Others

You think: "I need to find more time for spiritual practices." Nope! Disconnection is caused by a disconnection from your inner self and a lack of alignment in your daily life. You’ve lost touch with your core values, beliefs, and true desires. This inner disconnection often leads to a lack of alignment in your daily life, where your actions, routines, and choices no longer reflect your authentic self. As a result, you may feel spiritually adrift and disconnected from deeper connections with both yourself and those around you.

Guilt of Past Mistakes

You think: "I need to make up for my past mistakes to move forward." Not exactly... When you feel heavy thinking about the past, it is unresolved guilt and self-punishment. You continually relive your errors without finding closure. This unresolved guilt leads to self-punishment, as you believe you deserve to suffer for your past actions. As a result, you remain stuck in a cycle of guilt, unable to forgive yourself and move forward.

If you are experiencing any 3 of the above challenges in life, then you can benefit from a coaching session!

Hello, I am Moumita. And I can help you with these!

Now don’t feel scared or sad if you have them. All of us do and we don’t often realize it. We keep repeating the same patterns and behaviours in life and feeling unhappy/unfulfilled. We don’t get to realize our full potential. Let alone living it. I believe whatever answers we are looking for outside are already inside you. And asking the right questions can bring those out.

This is why I am offering my coaching sessions to help you find that clarity. Experience 86% reduction in anger, anxiety, sadness, etc and a clear strategy forward in just 1 – 2 sessions! These areas of life could be –

  1. Career/Job/Business
  2. Money & Finances
  3. Relationships (with Others)
  4. Personal Growth (Self-confidence, self-love, your relationship with yourself)
  5. Family (Parents, Children)
  6. Spiritual (Your connection to the Greater)

My average client satisfaction rate is 9/10.

  • 100% achievement of goals set by my clients.
  • 100% clarity about life purpose.
  • Some clients have made dramatic changes in their lives after coaching with me. Like career transition, forging new relationships, cutting off ties with toxic people, changing jobs, or even countries

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Moumita Paul - coach
Moumita Paul

NLP Coach | Pranic Healer

MBA @ Indian School of Business

3 Years in Coaching | 14 Years Corporate Experience (Amazon, Walt Disney)

'Before' And 'After' Stories From Clients

Names & photos are changed to protect privacy

Why This Coaching Will Transform Your Life

Heal your MIND AND emotions

Specific Solutions

I target the exact issues that are holding you back—no vague advice, just clear, actionable steps.

Deep Healing

I go beyond surface-level fixes to address the root causes of your struggles, leading to lasting change.

Personalized Guidance

Every session is tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that the coaching resonates deeply with you.

Long term results

For one time investment, learn lifetime strategies - how to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Empowerment and Confidence

Build the self-worth and confidence to make decisions that reflect your true potential.

The Results of My Coaching Looks Like This

What my clients love about our sessions

"She is a wonderful listener and asks astute questions to get to the root of the issues you may be facing."

"The session was indeed worthwhile, very rewarding, and emotionally empowering."

"She had amazing exercises we did together ...I truly felt it was so genuine and that she really cared about me."

"I had tangled thoughts...I walked away feeling enlightened with much more clarity in my mind and heart."

Not sure what you need help with? Worry not, book a call to share your goals & challenges and I can guide you to solve your challenges.

What Happens In A Coaching Session?

Each Session Includes

  • Focused Exploration

    I take utmost care in ensuring your privacy, confidentiality and creating a safe & non-judgemental space in our sessions. We start by identifying the specific patterns keeping you stuck—whether it’s in your career, relationships, or self-worth. We get to the root of these issues, not just the symptoms.

  • Targeted Solutions To Your Challenges

    Using a blend of coaching questions, Parts Work, TEAM-CBT, Self Love, EFT, NLP, Shadow Work, Regression, Past Life & Ancestral healing and numerous other transformative techniques, we work together to break through these barriers and clear the path for real change. You will either have released your negative emotions or experienced a shift in your perspective about your problem with a clear strategies to overcome it.

  • Actionable Steps

    Every session ends with a clear, tailored action plan. You’ll know exactly what to do next to integrate these breakthroughs into your daily life, ensuring the transformation sticks.

  • My Approach

    I’m compassionate, direct and straightforward—no fluff, just real talk and real results. Our sessions are confidential and gentle, providing a safe space for you to explore, heal, and grow. My goal is to empower you to take control of your life with honesty, clarity, and integrity.

What’s Included?

In Your 1:1 Coaching Session:

  • One Online Coaching Call

    Our coaching call will be done over Zoom. You can join from your laptop or mobile phone. You need to have a strong internet connection and know how to use Zoom. Please test Zoom at least 10 minutes before the call so that there are no problems setting it up. You can join from the comforts and privacy of your home, car or wherever you like at your chosen time slot. I am based out of India. If you are from a different timezone, then the times you see on my calendar (while booking a slot) are automatically converted to your timezone. So you never have to worry about converting timezones to my time manually. Just choose your preferred time and the meeting invite link will be sent to your email id. You can join the meeting using that link.

  • Agenda setting

    You set the agenda of what you want help with. On your appointment booking page, you can share the challenges you need help with so that we can save some time in the actual session. I will go through it before our session and then we can get coaching.

  • 90-Minute Intensive Session

    In the call, we dive deep into your specific challenges, focusing on what matters most to you. The session is a collaboration - I guide you based on where you need help but you can share what works for you and what doesn't. The information you share with me is 100% confidential. Your explicit consent & comfort with my coaching approach is my priority. Coaching techniques and methods are dynamic and adjusted to your specific needs. No one size fits all!

  • Personalized Techniques

    From Coaching questions, Parts Work, TEAM-CBT, Self Love, Shadow Work, Regression, Past Life & Ancestral healing, EFT to NLP, I use the tools that are most effective for your unique situation. The end goal of our session is to help you get what you want.

  • Clear Action Plan

    You’ll leave with specific, actionable steps that are easy to integrate into your daily life. For most people - immediate shifts in perspective happen within the session itself.

  • On Ongoing Support

    Some of my clients request for optional follow-up practices and resources to keep them on track. It's not necessary and it's totally upto you! Feel free to email me if you need clarification or have questions after our session.

What makes my clients happy

"Her approach was direct, focused, and provided actionable solutions. I also managed to work through my emotions."

"I realized that I am creating a situation in my head that doesn't exist. She helped me get clarity of thought and find a larger goal."

"The future self exercise aligned me with who I am. I felt heard, understood and seen. It makes me trust Moumita even more."

Moumita Paul

How Is My Coaching Different From Others?

Why Coach With Me?

I combine years of experience with a no-nonsense, results-driven approach that’s grounded in spiritual truth and practical wisdom. My coaching isn’t about temporary fixes; it’s about deep, lasting transformation. If you’re ready to cut through the B.S. and make real changes, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

I don’t believe that only one methodology of coaching has all the answers. Hence over the last few years I have extended my knowledge and trainings in different kinds of coaching, & healing to increase my versatility, toolkit, and techniques in handling the most difficult challenges that you may be facing.

With 3 years of coaching experience, I have coached over 60 clients in 54 countries, delivering long lasting relief and clarity to each one of them. I am a sensitive, caring empath and my clients love the safety, trust, and vulnerability that they experience in my sessions. People talk about things that they never have had the courage to speak to anyone about. That’s why, my client’s coaching satisfaction rate is 9 out of 10!

Helping others find hope and clarity is my purpose and gives me joy. I have been through most of the challenges mentioned above and learnt to overcome/eliminate them! Now I want to extend this gift of transformation to you.

What our clients love

Stephanie Feldman
Stephanie FeldmanProduct Manager
Read More
Moumita is a game changer! After only the first consultation session she had me in tears, releasing some of my pain and realizing there was a lot more work to do. It was through committing to a few sessions with her that I gained the strength to move on from a very challenging job. She had amazing exercises we did together and throughout all of it I truly felt it was so genuine and that she really cared about me. I couldn’t recommend working with her anymore, thank you for everything!
Ajay Khanna
Ajay KhannaGlobal Program Manager at Amazon
Read More
How could she see through my purpose so easily? My purpose feels validated now. In therapy, I felt I was going in circles. She helped me find out what are the negative talks that I often do. I liked how we went with the flow, how we discovered the negative belief system I had. She showed me how to use my core strengths to do what I want and how to do it. The most valuable part of our session was that she challenged my negative thought of not having mastered something. Now I have insights into my purpose and a plan of action.
Sreerama Jayanthi
Sreerama JayanthiDirector of Engineering
Read More
Due to a few challenging situations, I faced last year, I was constantly debating my decisions which was draining my energy. Moumita helped me to dive deep into the problems I was in. When I did my homework to apply the same process to my choices, it started making sense that with the data and information I had, I would still make the same decisions today, thereby validating my decision-making process. I intend to apply this framework not only in my personal life but also in my professional life.
Teja Akela
Teja Akela
Manager at Amazon
Read More
Moumita is an amazing coach and individual. I signed up for career coaching sessions with her, but Moumita quickly discovered my blocks were way deeper and pivoted the sessions to address root causes that I didn’t even know I needed to heal. She worked with me through several of my personal blocks and was so accommodating. In just 3 sessions she impacted my well being so profoundly and put me on a path to healing. I didn’t realize the full impact at the time, but post one year, I am still amazed at how much impact it had on me and continues to have! What I loved about her is her authenticity and deep commitment to fully helping you heal inside out.


What Our Clients Love

Moumita is a game changer! After only the first consultation session she had me in tears, releasing some of my pain and realizing there was a lot more work to do. It was through committing to a few sessions with her that I gained the strength to move on from a very challenging job. She had amazing exercises we did together and throughout all of it I truly felt it was so genuine and that she really cared about me. I couldn’t recommend working with her anymore, thank you for everything!

Stefanie Feldman
Stefanie Feldman

Product Manager

Due to a few challenging situations, I faced last year, I was constantly debating my decisions which was draining my energy. Moumita helped me to dive deep into the problems I was in. When I did my homework to apply the same process to my choices, it started making sense that with the data and information I had, I would still make the same decisions today, thereby validating my decision-making process. I intend to apply this framework not only in my personal life but also in my professional life.

Sreerama Jayanthi
Sreerama Jayanthi

Director of Engineering

How could she see through my purpose so easily? My purpose feels validated now. In therapy, I felt I was going in circles. She helped me find out what are the negative talks that I often do. I liked how we went with the flow, how we discovered the negative belief system I had. She showed me how to use my core strengths to do what I want and how to do it. The most valuable part of our session was that she challenged my negative thought of not having mastered something. Now I have insights into my purpose and a plan of action.

Ajay Khanna
Ajay Khanna

Program Manager at Amazon

Moumita is an amazing coach and individual. I signed up for career coaching sessions with her, but Moumita quickly discovered my blocks were way deeper and pivoted the sessions to address root causes that I didn’t even know I needed to heal. She worked with me through several of my personal blocks and was so accommodating. In just 3 sessions she impacted my well being so profoundly and put me on a path to healing. I didn’t realize the full impact at the time, but post one year, I am still amazed at how much impact it had on me and continues to have! What I loved about her is her authenticity and deep commitment to fully helping you heal inside out.

Teja Akela
Teja Akela

Manager at Amazon

Moumita Paul- work stress coach


This is a private, individual coaching with Moumita. Coaching is about creating permanent changes in your behavior and mindset, and helping you find your own solutions. You don’t need to look outside of YOURSELF for wisdom. Whatever you are looking for is already inside you. Coaching helps you discover it!

I will ask you powerful questions to uncover root causes of your behaviour patterns. If you change the way you think, you will get different outcomes. We may also do some live journaling exercises during the session to help you remove resistance and find clarity. I have a host of techniques that I use in my sessions to get you where you want to be.

You will notice significant changes in your emotions, coping strategy, behaviours and thought processes. You will automatically make different choices and decisions in your life that will bring you what you want. 

If you’re tired of feeling stuck in your career, relationships, or self-worth, and are ready to do the deep work needed for real change, this coaching is for you. If you want to do a vibe check, understand my coaching style and ask more questions not answered here, you can set up a free, 30 minute discovery call here. Do note that we will not be doing any actual coaching in this call.

What I DON’T DO:

  • Resume writing
  • Switching to product management
  • Interview preparation
  • Mock interviews,
  • Product management tips/hacks
  • Each session is 1.5 hour long and conducted online over a video call.
  • You need to have a stable internet connection.
  • Come with a pen and paper or open your notepad on your laptop.

You get to set your coaching goals at the start of the call. Based on your goals, we will focus on one issue at a time during our 1:1 sessions.

We will deep dive into your situation, uncover hidden mental blocks and find solutions to your personal struggles. I’ll use a combination of coaching questions, spiritual guidance, healing techniques, and actionable steps to address your specific challenges. If I uncover any limiting belief or imposter syndrome, I may suggest to do a breakthrough session to help you release it.

Other than this, you will get an action plan to for the next steps towards your personal goals. Your feelings & situation will improve significantly when you follow that.

Depending on your situation, you may also get some more resources like audio, links, PDFs, etc. after our call. 

All our sessions are conducted online over zoom calls or google meet.

Our clientele is located globally and it saves them the hassle of traveling. It also allows them to do early morning or late night coaching calls with me from the comforts of their home when they have a busy day at work.

Not always. It depends on the problem and your goals. Sometimes you may just need one session to notice just the right changes in your life. Other times you need a planned approach to make certain important transformations in your life, for which you may need multiple sessions (called a coaching package). This can be discussed in our call.

  • Come with an open mind and a willingness to explore. If you are not sure what your challenges are, I can help you narrow down. If you have specific challenges or goals, feel free to bring them up, but we’ll dive deep into whatever is most pressing for you.

  • Coaching may expose  unexplored pain or guilt from your past. You may feel like crying and I will highly encourage you to do so in the session. So being mentally prepared in advance helps.

  • You need to bring a pen and paper because we might do some journaling in the session to help you. Digital notepads on your laptop are also okay to use. Mobile notepads are not recommended.

  • Try attending the call from a place where you have privacy, can talk freely and will not be disturbed.

  • Also please come on time as session will not be extended if you are late.

  • Phone must be on silent mode or out of sight.

  • Cancellation: If for some unforeseen circumstance, you are not able to make it to the session, please email or message me at least 30 minutes before the session begins. If I join the session and you are not there within the first 5-10 minutes, then I will count it as a ‘no show’.

  • No-show policy – I value my time & services and have a very strict ‘no-show’ policy. If you book a slot on my calendar and then don’t show up for the call, I will remove you from my Facebook group, my newsletter, and bar entry from any future services/products, etc. However, you will still have access to any products you have purchased in the past.

  • Reschedules – Upto 1 reschedule is available for the  session. The link to reschedule is available on the same email where you receive your appointment booking.

  • Punctuality: Time is very precious to me and I’d like you to come on time. You get exactly 90 minutes of coaching. I will not be able to extend the session if you are late and you may not receive the full healing that you need.

  • Coaching for the first time: If you have never coached before in general, I would like to set your expectations that all your life’s problems may not disappear in one session. However, you will receive a significant improvement and a clear strategy on how to tackle your challenge (or heal your emotions if that’s what you wish) in a way you have never thought before. Some of my clients never needed a second session, it was that good! However, if you feel you need more help, you can choose to do more coaching sessions with me. Though you are not obligated to do so, it’s your choice. 

There are no refunds if you have done the session with me. Check my refund, cancellation and reschedule policies here.

Usually a lack of satisfaction may happen when you don’t know what to expect in the session. Or come with a wrong expectation as to what coaching is. Or you are not clear what you want. Please do your research about what coaching is and how it can help you before you book a call with me. You can also watch my youtube videos before booking to get an idea about my vibe/style of coaching.

If you are not satisfied with the sessions, you need to honestly communicate that to me immediately so that I can make the appropriate changes for you during the session. Communication is the key.

Many clients find ongoing sessions beneficial. We can discuss a plan that fits your needs and schedule in our call. Or you can email me at [email protected].

Coaching is a collaborative process where you constantly provide feedback on what works for you and what doesn’t in real time. And I adapt my approach based on that. I don’t force anything on you. Everything happens with your explicit consent. The only time coaching doesn’t work is when you don’t trust me, afraid to share feedback or are unwilling to open up and be vulnerable. As long as you trust and collaborate with me throughout the process, it is impossible to not get any results.

Each session is tailored specifically to your unique challenges, using proven techniques that have helped many clients overcome similar issues. We’ll work together to ensure the approach resonates with you and addresses your core concerns. Your commitment to the process is key to your success, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

We can do a 15-30 minute “vibe check” call if you wish to speak with me before booking a paid session. Click here to book one. It’s free, I do not actually coach you, but you can ask me any questions you have and decide if you can trust me and wish to go ahead. You are not obligated to book a paid session with me if you don’t like my approach.

However I don’t like clients booking a slot and not showing up. I will cancel any future calls and bar you from my future programs/courses if you book a call and don’t show up.

That is understandable. Your comfort and trust are my top priorities. Having said that, if you have difficulty opening up or have trust issues, I would recommend that you do a 15-30 minute ‘vibe check’ call with me. It’s free and will help you understand whether you can trust me and feel comfortable to open up. Click here to book. Upon the call, if you don’t feel right, you are not obligated to do paid sessions with me.


Our sessions are confidential and held in a safe, non-judgmental space. We’ll go at a pace that feels right for you, and you’re in control of how much you share. Many clients find that opening up, even gradually, leads to significant healing and growth.


If you still feel you are not ready to open up, I will respect that and request to not book a call with me.

I understand how frustrating it can be when previous attempts haven’t brought the desired results.

I have been there too. In that case I will highly recommend that you contact me using the contact form below and share what you did with your previous coach and what didn’t work. I can review that and comment if I can help you using a different approach that I know. Or if we are not a right fit.

My approach is different in that it’s deeply personalized and integrates spiritual guidance with practical techniques. We focus on the root causes, not just the symptoms, ensuring a holistic approach to your healing and growth.

I believe in the importance of a strong coach-client connection, and that’s why I offer an initial consultation to ensure we’re a good fit. Book a free 30 minute call to get to know me. I won’t do any coaching in this call, but you can ask me your questions and get a ‘feel’ whether you can work with me.


My coaching is compassionate, direct, and tailored to your unique needs. If at any point you feel we’re not the right match, you are not obligated to do paid sessions with me.


However I don’t like clients booking a slot and then not showing up. I will cancel any future calls and bar you from my future programs/courses if you book a call and don’t show up.

I completely understand that coaching might feel unfamiliar, and that’s why I’m here to guide you through the process. During our sessions, we’ll go step by step, and I’ll explain everything we do. You’ll have full control over the pace, and we’ll adjust as needed to make sure you’re comfortable.

That is a very valid fear! Change can be daunting, but it’s also where growth happens. If you feel resistant to change, we can “talk to the resistance” in you and hear what it has to say. This is known as “parts work” where we hear each part of you that is afraid of the changes. And then find a workaround that aligns with that hesitant ‘part’ of you.

We’ll work together to ensure that any changes are manageable and aligned with your goals. You’ll have the support and tools you need to navigate these changes confidently and with clarity.

The action steps we create are designed to fit into your life and be achievable, not overwhelming. These are optional and designed by YOU to create the changes in your life that you wanted. I’ll tailor them to your schedule and energy levels, and I’ll be there to support you if you have any difficulties.


However if you feel resistance to do it, that’s okay too! Remember, it’s your life and it is upto you to decide how and at what pace you want to change it. If at all!

Don't let your environment & past patterns ruin your life

Create your own happiness in life

Do you have more questions that is not answered above? Feel free to reach out to me by filling the contact form below.