Lucifer's True Story by Archangel Michael - A Channeled Book

Time to change our histories

Is Lucifer
Really Satan?

Lucifer was not who you think he was. He is one of the seven Archangels of Yeshua. And he was vilified and framed as ‘satan’ just because he looked ‘abominable’.

Lucifer's True Story

About the Book

This is a channeled transcript of Archangel Michael who talks about Lucifer’s fall, why Lucifer chose to do that, and why our religious narratives have painted a nasty picture of him. Brace for impact, for this will completely alter your perceptions about Archangel Lucifer. He is not what you think!

In September 2023, Moumita Paul, a vocal channeler, had a life-altering encounter with Archangel Michael. She channeled Archangel Michael who brought this story of Lucifer. This wasn’t a typical angelic message; he said that Lucifer was framed as Satan! He isn’t the ‘bad guy’ as we have been told.

The book intends to rewrite our religious history. Often vilified, Lucifer holds a transformative message he brought to Earth to help 3rd Dimensional beings like us. He wants us to become like God – to unconditionally love and accept ourselves, integrate our shadows (shadow work), and ultimately, achieve spiritual ascension.

As per Archangel Michael’s message, historical narratives and religious texts will undergo widespread changes in the coming years through Moumita and other channels. Archangel Michael’s objective is to tell our true history so that we can change our past and anchor into the vibration of the Golden Earth.

Moumita Paul
Author: Moumita Paul

Quoting Archangel Michael

We will be talking about so-called ‘Lucifer’s fall’. This has been spoken about in many books, poems, and religious texts, and is often misinterpreted because of the symbologies involved, as we have said before. The things that we angels experience cannot be described in words, hence we use symbols and metaphors often. We have seen that these symbols often get confused, and misinterpreted. Hence it becomes imperative for us to keep telling that these are metaphors and symbols and not to be taken literally. So we are going to talk about Lucifer's story of why he decided to be amongst humans, what happened to him once he reached Earth, what he decided to do then, and how he came back to be amongst us. Remember, once an angel, always an angel. He is still an angel among us and to us. And let us clarify your notions about Lucifer so that you stop treating him as Satan, Satanic, or demonic in nature, and stop vilifying him for who he is. Time has come to embrace the darkness that has been spread in his name and allow him to shine his light.

In this book, you'll discover

His Advent

How did Lucifer come to Earth and Why. What did he do while he was here Where did he live

He isn't Satan

How was he framed as 'Satan' and why. Who framed him? Why didn't he fight back or clarify his position?

Pray to him

What can you pray to him for? His Pathways for you to Spiritual Ascension


Answers to 35 interesting questions from enthusiasts about Lucifer including Lord Shiva's connection with the Annunaki .

#35 Interesting Questions Answered In The Book

Below are a list of questions asked by the audience to Archangel Michael about Lucifer

  1. When you say that Lucifer was born under the earth, within the earth, are you talking about like a, like a different dimension?

  2. So something like Telos, I think the city is called, which is supposedly in inner earth, and that’s not third density, right?

  3. Are you able to kind of share whereabouts? He was underground?

  4. And are you able to give us a rough time frame that we could understand in our history? Are we talking like how many millions or hundreds of thousands of years ago?

  5. So he was not born from a traditional way from a mother. Is that correct?

  6. So he knew how to be manifest as an adult, as an angel, or did he have help?

  7. How old would he look like?

  8. How did he look?

  9. Did he never forget who he was?

  10. Was he, successful then in transforming darkness into light?

  11. Is he in, in another dimension or is he with you? 

  12. Was Lucifer present in the Egyptian time? Was he active?

  13. So if we would be able to connect with Lucifer, how would he be of service, how he could help us?

  14. Are there other beings that kind of played this role as well of helping us to transmute darkness into light or learn from that perspective?

  15. Did Lucifer had any offspring?

  16. Did Lucifer’s experience contribute to the human collective, to the Elohim collective, or to the both?

  17. What do you think or what does Lucifer suggest for us in order to easily rediscover our connection to Source?

  18. I’ve seen Lucifer referred to as the Light Bearer. Is that how he’s regarded by you Archangels? 

  19. Also the picture that you gave of basically having horns and a tail. Did he have red skin, which is the image we’ve been given by religious texts, basically. And what was his tail for? Did that serve a purpose like his horns?

  20. Who was on the surface of the planet when he surfaced after his time underground?

  21. Did he actually be a teacher as well? Did he teach humans?

  22. Did he go walk on fours or did he walk on two legs?

  23. Did he interact with the Anunnaki?

  24. So Shiva was an entity of the Anunnaki, but not associated with the traditional thought of The Anunnaki being in Africa?

  25. Does dark magic comes from Lucifer?

  26. Did Lucifer kill humans?

  27. What is his perspective on murder?

  28. Could he change his appearance if he wished for?

  29. Why are we so fearful of different looking species or like that we call or even ugly things?

  30. Why was he misused by Anunnaki and the religion in such a way that he was taken as an example of a bad guy?

  31. Often dragons or snakes or Nagas in Indian are connected to, to Lucifer. Is there a connection?

  32. When they are depicting St. George killing the dragon and referring to the beast that, that is Lucifer – is this some mixed up thing that the religion guys came up with?

  33. How does the negative beliefs of humans affect Lucifer? Does Lucifer feel hindered in self because of our fear based beliefs?

  34. Are other beings using the name of Lucifer to connect into the negative?

  35. The negative beings who are using the name of Lucifer to commit atrocities, are not being Lucifer, right?

Reader's Reviews

Rene De Anda
Rene De Anda
I must say, I'm so glad I took the time to listen to her book! It answered questions I've always had, but no one could answer. Questions like, "why would a loving God allow such a thing to happen?" Or, "why would anyone from heaven get kicked out?" These things just never made sense to me. Moumita's channeling answered these questions, and more, in a believable way.
Sashi Nicole
Sashi Nicole
The revelations of Lucifer’s actions on Earth are particularly surprising, challenging preconceived notions and igniting intense curiosity. Previously I've only read about Lucifer's fall in the works of Drunvalo Melchizedek which are fairly different from this account. I think anyone who is familiar with that work may be interested in this more positive perspective. The text is very straightforward, no deep knowledge of esoteric writings is necessary for comprehension. The book is like an appetizer, a taste, a dipping of the toe into Lucifer's story. It left me extremely curious to know in greater detail what Lucifer did all that time in our planet.
Carie Annice
Carie Annice
This book is belief challenging and I appreciate Moumita having the courage for bringing this information to our awareness. I grew up as basically an atheist and then became a Christian in my 30’s. I studied the Bible for ten years but I just could not assimilate entirely because of the inconsistencies with how they are teaching the Bible and what I felt in my heart. I am excited for new information coming through offering a different perspective. The only thing I would change is it’s too short! I am looking forward to the rest of the story!
Katie Petty
Katie Petty
The very best information is always guided from the soul. I feel as if this information was direct from a non dualistic viewpoint. One of balance. Which is perfect surrender to All That Is, Creator. Excellent choice to create a finer understanding of that which we have been taught. Absolutely recommend to anyone.
Cheryl Rice
Cheryl Rice
United Kingdom
This is a must read for anyone who is interested in expanding their consciousness to a new level. The information on Lucifer is fascinating and much needed to move away from old ideas that have kept humans imprisoned in lower states of consciousness. A very worthwhile read.
Anita Kepner
Anita Kepner
I have witnessed and listened to many of Moumita's channelings. All feel authentic and accurate. I have channeled this information myself and can attest to accuracy. So many of the stories told up to this point in religious texts and the like are full of fallacy geared to disempower the masses. It is extremely refreshing to hear the real story. This channeling is but a small piece of a much larger story that Moumita has unfolded in her many channelings. I hope to see more published transcripts of these channelings in the future.
Camelia Bobu
Camelia Bobu
Lucifer true story is a simple, easy read book, yet full of amazing new information. The descripton is very visual, is like entering a portal in Lucifer’s time, to all good things he did for Earth. I felt a lot of sadness and wrongly misunderstood energy, but I guess is just surfacing mine. The only negative about this book is that is to short, wanted so much more to find out. The transmission just scratched the surface, but for mankind it might just be enough for bring back the truth in our minds. Take it, read it and you’ll discover the real history behind the very dawn of religious dogma and their scapegoat!
Courtney Marsh
Courtney Marsh
I really appreciate this channeled information by Arch Angel Michael coming through Moumita. I was an avid reader of the Bible for most of my life and had the belief from the bible that Lucifer was evil, mischievous and very harmful to humanity and Creation. Reading this material opened my awareness to the true story of Lucifer that everyone should know. He played a significant role in help balancing the energy of this planet with his love, courage and compassion. This is a beautiful revelation of a majestic being that has being stigmatized for centuries. This is a must read for everyone who is passionate about knowing the truth.
Tammy Startsman
Tammy Startsman
This is a channeled conversation that will leave you wanting more. I wasn’t expecting to find courage and bravery, and so much love in a book by this title. It was easy to resonate with some of the truths revealed, and lays a foundation for a meaningful shift in understanding the true nature of our collective story. Thank you.
Pich Thai
Pich Thai
Note that I also used to be a very religious person (Buddhist), specifically I was very afraid of death and not being reincarnated as a human... if I didn't do "good deeds", give alms... according to the principles dogma. The book provides a new "lens" that allows us to see reality more comprehensively. From these perspectives, we will be more empowered, more mature, and “immune” to anything negative from anyone “out there” who is “convincing” us to give up on ourselves. Some of Michael's synchronic information about the Anunaki has helped me consolidate, understand more, be more certain, more realistic about the "agenda of dogmatic religions".
Jennifer Synder
Jennifer Synder
I always had a fascination with Lucifer and knew deep inside that he isn't who the religions say he is. I was always thinking, what did he do wrong? Nothing. He did nothing wrong and I always knew it in my heart. Having a channeled message from AA Michael was great because I had a feeling they were buds anyway. Describing Lucifer was interesting because of what the "devil" looks like. I wish that one day we can get the real knowledge and history of everything. I hope this book reaches a lot of people in all sorts of religions to see the sacrifice he made. I wish it was longer as I was disappointed when I was done reading it. Very interesting and entertaining book.
It turns out Lucifer was not bad; he was a badass. He did not rebel against God, nor did he fall. He chose to come to Earth with the purpose of transforming darkness and helping Earth. He is seen as the most brave and adventurous among the angels. This is a short book packed with wisdom and mind-bending perspectives. Any true seeker of truth will find it an extremely valuable piece of the puzzle. Highly recommended.
Samantha Gregory
Samantha Gregory
The author is a talented channeler and provides quite an interesting conversation with Archangel Michael. While they divulge information about the (in)famous Lucifer, light is shed on the true story behind this fallen angel. The details offer insights into the how’s and whys- a glimpse into the purpose of this powerful entity, which isn’t as per the popular imagery.

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Click on any of the links below to buy the book. The audio book goes by the name 'Lucifer's Fall'