Beings,Blog,Channeling,Extraterrestrial,Metaphysics,The Annunakis

I am very excited to present to you a conversation I had with the Annunakis when I channeled them to learn a new form of magic (using sacred geometries). I have explored different kinds of magic and they didn’t excite me much. I will explore more into this kind of magic and share more of this in the future.

A channeled conversation

Me: I want to learn something new. Something that I don’t know. Preferably in the magical realm.

I want to learn something new, not something I am not sure if it will work or not, where I am liable to make mistakes.

What if I want to learn magic, the way magic really works? Just magic, making something manifest out of thin air, right now, right here, instantly!


Annunakis: Then you have to learn the sacred geometrical principles through which things materialize.

That is how things came into existence.


Me: But things coming into existence in different dimensions is very different from things coming into existence in the 3D realm.


Annunaki: Yes, how do you think you are manifesting whatever you see in this room? Whatever you have manifested. You are bringing non-physical things into 3D, where aren’t you?


Me: yes.


Annunaki: So how are you doing it?


Me: I don’t know…..unconscious program?


Annunaki: So why don’t you learn that program so that you can do it consciously? All programs are basically a repeating pattern, a repeating loop that runs on its own.

And it runs in a specific configuration. So understand that specific configuration.

And then you can run it.


Me: Go on….


Annunaki: To materialize anything, the mechanism of materialization happens in spirals.

So the rear end of the spiral, where it becomes the connecting point, the dot, is where the materialization happens. Just like in black hole, everything is swirling, and like a cyclone, like a cone, at the rear end, the materialization, the solidification, the densification is happening.


Me: So how does the densification happen for a larger physical object?


Annunaki: The densification is meant to bring to life the thing that gives it life. For living beings, that’s the heart.

So the densification happens in the heart cells. Those are the first cells that manifest in a mother’s womb. The rest of the manifestation process is carried out by the remaining cells.


Me: Yeah, that’s for a living organism. What about materials? Which don’t have life.


Annunaki: Each physical object has a specific geometrical symbol, or what you know as the DNA, to it, even if it is in the material. Because everything is made up of consciousness.

So, all physical objects have this DNA, so when the spiraling happens, it basically lights up the DNA.

And that DNA, when made active, automatically comes into life. You could say, and it creates whatever it needs to become its full physical form, even for inanimate objects. So if you activate that specific geometric pattern, that object will come to life. All you have to do is activate the simple DNA.

The activation itself will lead to the creation of the entire thing in the energetic realm and then it gradually densifies the more you repeat the pattern.


Me: So, how do you know the DNA? That’s my first question. Second, how is the spiraling connected with the activation?


Annunaki: Those patterns are brought to life when energy is focused into it.

So the spirals have to appear in a specific configuration, whereas, so that the points where they touch that specific DNA are activated.


Me: So you mean there are multiple spirals in question?


Annunaki: Yes


Me: and that means that It is not only that specific object that’s going to create, get created, but the opposite of that is also going to be created at the same time.

And many other things, because the spirals will have many touching points, isn’t it?


Annunaki: Absolutely. So you are not just bringing to life that object, but there are many other things you are bringing to life that you may not be aware of. And this is the danger of magic. If you don’t know, then you don’t know.

And there are hundreds of ways to manifest the DNA of the same thing. So which one are you going to use?


Me: The one that is most blissful for everyone and everything?


Annunaki: Yes, that’s why magic is dangerous because you have to be very specific.

You have to learn the sacred geometry and the connecting points and how the DNAs are connected to specific qualities, personality characteristics, and the physical, and chemical nature of living beings and objects. If you understand that, then it will make total sense as to why specific geometrical objects can give rise to specific things.


Me: So then, after understanding that, what do I do then next?

Like, once I understand the specifics, how do I create those spirals?

Simply drawing those spirals will not work.


Annunaki: You have to channel “life force” in that pattern and have a container hold that pattern in that energetic space so that you can complete the design and lock it.


Me: So how do you channel life force like in pranic energy?


Annunaki: Not necessarily. You can also simply ask for assistance for divine energy. You can use a crystal. To direct energy, just like you do in healing, except that you are taking the air, earth, sun prana. Or you can simply ask for divine energy.

Be mindful though, that you are specific in your instruction, otherwise, your energy is going to end up used.


Me: So how do you create these designs in the energetic realm?

Because I believe these DNAs are not just 2D. They are multi-dimensional.


Annunaki: Yes, that’s why you don’t need to focus on every specific aspect. The intention is very important.


Me: I don’t understand….


Annunaki: You can draw the design on a paper and simply trace your wand into that object.

Feed in as much energy as you can through repetition and stabilize that energy.

Set the intention of when you want it to manifest. And it shall be.


Me: Really?


Annunaki: Yes.


Me: So first I have to learn the sacred geometric principles. So isn’t it like sigil magic where you draw some symbols, and then you burn the paper?


Annunaki: That’s a slightly different way. This is slightly different way. There are no “time” specifications for that. Here you are actively feeding energy to create that.

And you have to be very careful about what you wish. Because magic doesn’t understand logic. If you make mistakes, you are going to pay the price.


Me: So how does one prevent mistakes?


Annunaki: We’ll teach you when you get there.


Me: So what are the limitations of this?


Annunaki: You cannot manifest a very specific person. Say, you cannot manifest Obama in your room. You can manifest a human, like the general species. You can manifest any human. But you cannot manifest a specific person.

Similarly, you cannot manifest a specific thing.

You can have that entire range of similar things. For example say, if you want the painting of Mona Lisa and there are machine produced hundreds of Mona Lisas, then you can have one of them. But you cannot have that one specific Mona Lisa hanging on a specific wall of so and so. This magic doesn’t allow you to lock into something specific.

Here you are focusing on the DNA. And the DNA usually means an overall “representative” of something/species. It doesn’t mean one specific being, because you are not going into the specific DNA or geometrical pattern of that one person/thing. You don’t have that information. Every DNA is slightly different from the other.

So you are going for the generic one, not the specific one.


Me: This is very interesting. I have to listen to this transmission again and write down the things.

Who are the Annunakis?

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